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Talend is a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q2 2022

Since we launched Talend Data Fabric in 2015, we’ve believed strongly that merely focusing on the mechanics of data — capturing, moving, and storing data — is not enough to become data-driven. Everyone in the organization must be able to easily find, trust, and use data. That’s what data health is all about, and that’s what Talend makes possible. Forrester looked at the 15 software providers that matter the most when it comes to Enterprise Data Fabric.

How to Prepare Images to Be Published on a Website

Studies show that people remember over 80% of the visual information, whereas, for text, the number stands at a mere 20%. Images can completely transform the look and feel of a website or a blog. High-quality images relevant to the content on the web page have the power to transform your normal website into something extraordinary. Preparing images before you publish is an important step to ensure your website is well designed and optimized. This, in turn, aids in loading the website faster.

How To Monetize Your APIs: Choosing Your API Monetization Stack

The technology you choose to start your project with determines what your product is capable of now and what it will be capable of in the future. Finding the right stack to build on top of is one of the biggest engineering challenges you can face. Picking a stack that allows you to build a product and get to market rapidly is great unless that same choice limits the scalability and features of a product in the future.

How to Build a Culture of Innovation in Your Organisation

Our businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on technology with each passing month and year. Particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago, digital technology in the workplace has matured at a staggering pace. Companies across all industries have been demanding more speed, agility, and flexibility since the global shift to remote work and technology has delivered across the board.

What is Web Testing? Types of Web Application Testing

Web testing, at its core, is simply checking your web application or your website for problems before you make that web application or website live. Web testing is designed to check all aspects of the web application’s functionality, including looking for bugs with usability, compatibility, security, and general performance.

State Machines in Ruby: An Introduction

A state machine can hold all possible states of something and the allowed transitions between these states. For example, the state machine for a door would have only two states (open and closed) and only two transitions (opening and closing). On the other hand, complex state machines can have several different states with hundreds of transitions between them.

OctoPerf's new UI - Design changes

This article is the second in a series of overviews of our new UI. You can find the first one here. This time we will dive into the changes we’ve made in the design phase. We’ve addressed many pain points from the old UI that we want to detail here: This will make the design in OctoPerf even faster, so that you can focus more time on your tests and analyzing them.

Performance Testing in application Design

There are many articles on the huge benefits of performance testing integrated into the development process and the concept of shift-left performance testing. We have also discussed the concepts of Load Test Driven Development which involves the creation of performance testing in parallel with the code development and sits alongside Test Driven Development. We are going to consider in this post how involving performance testing resources in the application design process can be a benefit.