The best way to ensure that your app is accepted and remains on the App Store is to keep up with all of the updates. Learn more about how to get your app published on the App Store.
Insurance companies have no shortage of compliance rules and regulations to keep up with these days. In my last blog, I talked about ESG requirements and the importance of agility to keep pace with demand and emerging policies. Another at the top of the list of priorities for insurers is IFRS 17.
Golang is a shortened form of the Go programming language. Golang is a reliable and popular alternative for writing APIs and developing web services since its entry into the technological market. After its introduction, it quickly became one of the best programming languages. In surveys, nearly 90% of all respondents indicated they would move on with Golang. By the way, this is for the upcoming round of projects.
BDD or Behavior Driven Development is a development approach, but even if you don't utilize it, we think Cucumbe r (or a comparable tool) is useful since it "pushes" you to document your automated tests before implementing them. Cucumber is another traditional Selenium substitute, but there are some significant differences between the two systems. Cucumber is an automation tool for behavior-driven development(BDD), whereas Selenium is an automation tool for web apps.
Growing your career can be both scary and exciting, and our SEO manager Savannah Whitman experienced both before joining Moesif. Now she’s nurturing search rankings to bring the latest in API observability to technologists who need it. In this installment of Meeting Moesif, we talk to her about where API technology is heading, and what it takes to keep up.
If you are someone who is developing a web desktop or mobile application then you need to run tests to see if everything runs smoothly or not. Doing that with hundreds of manual tests can be exhausting and inaccurate, but because of automated testing software, it’s doable and very easy. However, even with automated tests, you may need advanced programming skills. Today, we’re looking at Katalon Studio and Selenium.
Discover the most effective techniques to develop fintech apps that are more effective and efficient while also improving revenue and cost management.
TL;DR: Collaboration between Unity developers and artists can be enhanced by adding some automation tools. For example, using automatic build triggering once a new asset is added allows the artist to see how it looks in the game without bothering the developer, which reduces waiting times and context switching.