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BivwAk! - Case study

BivwAk! is the transformation hub for BNP Paribas. Its goal is to bring new services and skillsets at the crossroad of all BNP Paribas entities. It’s in this context that Dino learned about OctoPerf. Dino Dona is the QA lead at BivwAk! He handles all the testing-related activities. Dino is very passionate about testing because it's a constantly evolving space. With new methodologies and tools emerging all the time. We met Dino at the french testing event JFTL.

The Need and Impact of Digital Banking Units

Digital banking involves the digitization of all traditional banking products, processes, and activities to serve customers through online channels. Banking that is done through the digital platform without any paperwork like account opening forms, cheques, pay-in slips, and so on is referred to as digital banking. It relies on high-level process automation, web-based services, and APIs to provide banks and their customers with high levels of cost efficiency, security, and flexibility.

GRC for Insurers: ESG and the Louder-than-Ever Call to be Agile

In today’s increasingly regulated insurance landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is at the forefront, both in how insurers invest and how you run your organization. ESG expectations come to insurers from a multitude of stakeholders, including customers, employees, board members, and more.

4 ways you're not (but should be) using Talend tMap Component

Ever wondered what our most-used components are? Here at Talend, one of my “Shadow IT” jobs is to report on component usage. If you've ever used Talend Studio (either the open source Talend Open Studio or the commercial version) you most likely already know and love the component tMap.

The Essential List of Spring & Spring Boot Annotations for Getting Started and Configuration

Spring Boot has made the Spring Framework more accessible than it already was. It is a streamlined form of the larger Spring Framework. For one, Spring uses manual configurations while Spring Boot contains a number of default config templates. Spring has a number of dependencies; Spring Boot, not so much (at least until build time). Auto-configuration makes it easy to get started with the Spring Framework (or even Java overall if you’re a true novice to coding) and the support community is huge.

Guidelines for Writing Effective Test Cases

Writing effective test cases is one of the most critical tasks that each tester must do within the Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC). Test cases are the foundation of every software product analysis. Writing successful test cases, on the other hand, is a method that can be learnt by in-depth application research, which involves building test cases and, most crucially, experience. The method for building successful test cases will be to identify, define, and analyze requirements.