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8 Microservices Trends to Watch in 2022

If you have been following technological trends over the years, then you must have come across the word: microservices. Popularly known as microservices architecture, microservices replaced monolithic architectures. With software development becoming more complex by the day, software applications require regular updates and improvements. To simplify this process, applications are now developed by breaking it down into smaller components that collectively work to serve their users.

Build a Data Access Layer with PostgreSQL and Node.js

The Data Access Layer (DAL) is the most critical part of any application. This is where the code integrates with an external source of truth like a database. In this take, we'll show you how to build a DAL that talks to Postgres via Node. Then we'll go into best practices like Clean Architecture and what this means in practical terms. Ready? Let’s go! First, a quick note about the code: The code will have modern niceties like TypeScript, unit tests, and will tackle potential scalability issues.

Testing and Launching Apps with Analytics: A 9-step Guide for Product Managers

Product Managers, especially those in start-ups, have no easy job to do: product tweaks, project management, QA, release notes, you name it. With such a dynamic and all-encompassing role, things can get tricky. So much so that, in a recent poll we conducted via LinkedIn, we found out that “Testing and Launch” is the second most problematic stage in the life of a digital product, according to almost 27% of product managers.

Why Kong is the world's most popular API gateway

APIs are at the backbone of every modern application that powers our day-to-day lives. As a matter of fact, API traffic today is at least 83% of the world’s global internet traffic , which underlines the importance of modern API infrastructure that can unlock innovation, agility, fast release cycles, IP reuse and more scalable teams. Most of this innovation is driven by technologies that are open source and platform-agnostic, like Kong Gateway.

Engage your site visitors with live updates using Ably, Next.js, Prisma, and PlanetScale

Not so long ago, email was considered revolutionary. Being able to send a message to someone on the other side of the world and receive a reply in a matter of minutes was a game-changer. Today, however, email is the slow-moving dinosaur of the Internet. Now, users expect instantaneous feedback from their online interactions and to communicate with people and machines instantly.