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Moving beyond the document in computer systems validation

Over the years, we have seen a steady increase in companies moving away from paper-based validation to electronic-based approaches after the FDA introduced 21 CFR Part 11, which addresses the use and control of electronic signatures and electronic records. When utilized correctly, 21 CFR Part 11 opens the door to numerous potential process and solution improvements in computer systems validation, yet many teams have failed to take full advantage of these improvements.

We Tried the Top 10 Smartbear Alternative [in-Depth Analysis]

Smartbear is a powerful and robust automated GUI testing tools for web, mobile, and desktop applications. However, we wanted more from the automated testing tool that we were relying on. That is where we started looking for a Smartbear alternative. And after tons of head-to-head comparisons and testing, we picked a couple of Smartbear competitors that are worth the try. Want to know all about the competitors and alternatives we are talking about here? Stick till the end!

Data analytics vs data visualization vs BI reporting: What's the difference?

Data is the biggest asset for any business, and its advantages are many. Data can help enterprises better understand their customers, improve advertising campaigns and bottom lines, and personalize their content. However, you cannot access these benefits without proper embedded analytics and reporting tools that make data a true part of your day-to-day workflow. Because while raw data has a lot of potential, a business needs the right tools to access, manage, share and analyze it to great effect.

What I Learned from Building a Cloud-Native Frontend App for Asgardeo

Photo by Pixabay The world is progressing fast, especially when it comes to the tech industry. In the past, JavaScript was child’s play, condemned to lend some semblance of programmability to web pages. Today, it is taking us to space. At the start, WSO2 Identity Server was a fledgling identity solution reposed in your on-prem servers. Today, we are launching it to the cloud. Asgardeo has been a great achievement for our team.

6 Mobile Marketing Tools You Need to Consider for Your Business

We live in a mobile-first world, and having a mobile marketing strategy is becoming an imperative for SMBs. If one of your goals is to win over the mobile audience, inspire mobile purchases, and boost brand visibility and awareness on mobile devices, then you need to start creating your 2022 mobile marketing strategy. That said, trying to build a winning mobile marketing strategy manually is a waste of time, effort, and ultimately, money.

Reduce Software Testing Costs to Futureproof Your Product

While a lot of attention is being paid to cost controls in the context of current market trends, the pressure to reduce software testing costs is not something that changes with economic tides. The reality is that even in a bull market, development leaders — pushed by financial expectations and the costly nature of development — are not only being asked to deliver high-quality releases faster than ever, they’re being asked to tighten budgets.