New Integration: Visualize Your Online Store Performance with WooCommerce
Track and visualize all of your online store KPIs like sales, orders placed, best-selling products (and more!) with Databox.
Track and visualize all of your online store KPIs like sales, orders placed, best-selling products (and more!) with Databox.
We’re excited to introduce Katalon Studio for Bamboo—a plugin that helps integrate Katalon Studio with Bamboo CI server. This blog will guide you through the plugin’s features and functionalities, so that you can take Katalon Studio test automation to the next level with Bamboo.
At Bugfender, we strive to keep improving. The number of smartphone users is rising all the time, as is the number of smartphone models. So the challenge of fixing bugs is getting increasingly difficult. So it’s with great pride that we announce new and improved support for both Ionic and Unity.
Millions of us use wearable devices for health and fitness tracking — but few of us are ready to let these gadgets replace visits to the doctor and other health and wellness professionals. Indeed, if anything, data from these devices can help doctors to be effective, with different professionals leveraging the data in different ways.
Since AccuWeather was founded in 1962, our company has become the world’s leading provider of weather forecasts and warnings. We maintain a huge, accurate and comprehensive collection of weather warning data. Back then, we brought data to local forecasts, newspapers, radio stations and small businesses. While we started by putting pen to paper and providing solutions to business customers, AccuWeather has really evolved into a digital platform over the past decade.
You may have noticed a few new (and colorful!) elements in your Rainforest run results lately. In this post, let’s walk through how the changes to your test results will help you have a cleaner, easier run review and bug triage experience in Rainforest.
The Ghost Inspector team got together for our annual company off-site in Austin, TX this year. We always plan our off-site around presenting at an industry-related event. This year we were thrilled to present to the Austin Automation Professionals Meetup on the topic of headless browsers and testing at scale.
We know that data is a key driver of success in today data-driven world. Often, companies struggle to efficiently integrate and process enterprise data for fast and reliable analytics, due to reliance on legacy ETL solutions and data silos. To solve this problem, companies are adopting cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure to modernize their IT infrastructure.
Last year, Yellowfin changed the world of business intelligence and analytics with the introduction of Yellowfin Signals. We automated data analysis, removed dashboard dependency, and sped up the process where you would get alerted to the most important changes in your business data, just ask AeroEdge.
A common perspective that I see amongst software designers and developers is that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technologies which are only meant for an elite group. However, if a particular technology is to truly succeed and scale, it should be friendly with the common man (in this case a normal software developer).