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The Complete Guide to Using the Iguazio Feature Store with Azure ML - Part 1

In this series of blog posts, we will showcase an end-to-end hybrid cloud ML workflow using the Iguazio MLOps Platform & Feature Store combined with Azure ML. This blog will be more of an overview of the solution and the types of problems it solves, while the next parts will be a technical deep dive into each step of the process.

Automating Customer Touchpoints with Snowflake, Hightouch, and dbt Cloud

With hundreds of SaaS products in a given company, it’s getting more and more challenging and time-consuming to manage supplier relationships and negotiate contracts. Vendr has completely transformed this entire process by creating a SaaS buying platform where stakeholders can easily handle the relationships and contracts of their different software suppliers in a centralized platform.

A Practical Guide to Reducing the Burden of Flaky Tests

Flaky tests are automated software tests that sometimes pass and sometimes fail without an obvious reason. Often these tests will work well for a while, then occasionally start to fail. If the test passes on a second or third try without any obvious reason for the failures, the tester typically chalks it up to a glitch in the system and ignores the failed test result.

Optimizing email deliverability - how to avoid spam filters

Problems with the deliverability of emails – contrary to popular belief – do not only concern mass mailings. “Overzealous” spam filters mean that messages of all kinds are wrongly classified as spam – regardless of whether they are cold mails, newsletters, transactional emails (i.e., notifications from various applications), or simple messages sent manually using email programs. On a global scale, only 83% of messages sent reach the recipients’ inboxes.

Build Interactive Phoenix LiveView UIs with Components

LiveView empowers developers to build interactive, single-page web apps with ease by providing a framework that eliminates the need for guesswork. In this post, we'll take a look at how you can layer simple, single-purpose functional components to wrap up shared presentation logic. We'll also use more sophisticated live components to craft easy-to-maintain single-page flows that handle complex user interactions.

Setting Your Eyes On The Prize: What's Coming to Product Analytics in 2022

Last year, we discussed how 2020 had been a year of adaptation, both to the new business challenges that came about by the pandemic and to the behavioral changes in all individuals. In 2021, adaptation gave way to adoption: of new technologies to better cope with business needs, of data-driven processes that guide product development, and guidelines for digital-first collaboration across teams with varying degrees of remote availability. What is there to 2022 that will make our heads turn?

How Growing Companies Can Best Scale Their APIs

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are fast becoming the global standard for automated data exchange between and within companies. When a company first launches APIs, an adjacent step is to set up an effective system for automating API planning and implementation. But beyond that, as companies grow and expand their API use, the central challenge becomes figuring out how to best position APIs for scale as multiple, distributed teams build APIs across business units, often around the world.

The WebSocket Handbook: learn about the technology behind the realtime web

Standardized a decade ago through RFC 6455, WebSocket has since matured into one of the main technologies powering the modern web. Designed to be event-driven and full-duplex, and optimized for minimum overhead and low latency, WebSockets have become a preferred choice for many organizations and developers seeking to build interactive, realtime digital experiences that provide delightful user experiences.