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Delayed Job vs. Sidekiq: Which Is Better?

Most applications need background jobs for mailers, regular clean-ups, or any other time-consuming operation that doesn't require a user to be present. Several gems support job queues and background processing in the Rails world — Delayed Job and Sidekiq being the two most popular ones. In this post, we will take a detailed look at Delayed Job and Sidekiq, including how they fare against each other. Let's go!

Getting Started with Skaffold for Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes has experienced rapid growth over the years, with a recent post from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation reporting a userbase increase of about 67% in just the past year. Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates how containers are deployed, how they communicate, and how traffic is routed between them; it also scales configurations for both the containerized workloads and the underlying infrastructure that comprises the cluster.

How Zones and Meshes Fit Into Your Service Mesh Deployment

Kong Mesh (and Kuma, the open source project upon which Kong Mesh is built) supports multiple zones and meshes. What is the difference between a zone and a mesh, though? And when should one use a zone versus a mesh or vice versa? By the time you’re done reading this blog post, you’ll have a better understanding of the role of zones and meshes and where each of them fit into a Kong Mesh deployment.

The Basics of Package.json

In this chapter, we'll give you a kickstart introduction to effectively using package.json with Node.js and npm. The package.json file is core to the Node.js ecosystem and is a fundamental part of understanding and working with Node.js, npm, and even modern JavaScript. This file is used as a manifest, storing information about applications, modules, packages, and more.

Speed up your Teradata migration with the BigQuery Permission Mapper tool

During a Teradata migration to BigQuery, one complex and time consuming process is migrating Teradata users and their permissions to the respective ones in GCP. This mapping process requires admin and security teams to manually analyze, compare, and match hundreds to thousands of Teradata user permissions to BigQuery IAM permissions. We already described this manual process for some common data access patterns in our earlier blog post.

Transformative Budgeting and Planning: Five Factors to Consider

Budgeting is one of those essential processes in which every business must engage. It’s critical to have a meaningful financial plan in place, to have realistic targets to achieve. Unfortunately, traditional models for financial planning and budgeting are increasingly strained as businesses strive to cope with change. Many are seeking leaner, more agile budgeting and planning options.

3 Tips for Insurers to Stay Competitive with a Digital Claims Experience

Every step of an organization’s customer journey plays a role in overall customer satisfaction. But for insurers facing increased competition from emerging insurtechs, the digital claims experience is perhaps the most crucial to get right. According to EY Global’s Consumer Insurance Survey, 87% of policyholders say the claims experience directly impacts their decision to remain with their insurance provider. To up the ante even further, insurtech funding has been increasing exponentially.