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Amazing new features in N|Solid V4.6.0.

We are very excited at NodeSource with the arrival of N|Solid Version 4.6.0. 🚀 In this release you will find a bunch of cool functionalities that will make your life as a developer and software team, easier. With even greater precision you will be able to monitor your Node.js projects better than ever!

Considerations to Make When Running a Load Test

Load testing isn’t an engineer’s favorite task. Every setup choice made during performance testing will yield varying results. The chosen load test protocol is the difference between an application that performs well under most circumstances and one that buckles at hidden stress points. Yet failing to run adequate tests isn’t an option when dealing with a complex API architecture. Needless to say, all your load testing options must be carefully evaluated.

What is a Data Source?

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” That’s according to the author and consultant Geoffrey Moore. It’s an unsettling thought given that data and analytics are shifting from a secondary activity to a core business function. So what can companies do to gather and harness all of this information? The below guide discusses data sources and their role in informing decision-making.

5 API Development Strategies for Start-Ups

When time-to-market can make the difference between being a market leader or “just another product,” the need for speed and agility are crucial. As many as 35% of today’s companies generated more than a quarter of their revenue as a direct result of APIs. As a start-up, you’ll need a strategy that supports rapid product delivery which ultimately shortens the customer feedback loop. Here, we’ll discuss the top five API development strategies for building robust APIs.

Increasing API-Led Connectivity Within Your Business

Increasing API-led connectivity allows for frequently needed modifications for rapidly changing technology and and is a way for businesses to manage data and process in a highly efficient manner. API-led business systems reduce costs and eliminate bulky hardware and other complications such as licensing and workforce requirements. Ultimately, API-led connectivity enables you to streamline your business and ensure your technology stack is as running as effectively as possible.

Customer segmentation with Cosmo, Chief Destiny Officer

Do you ever feel like connecting with the right customer audience is just a matter of luck? We’ve met a CDO who leaves audience targeting up to chance. Cosmo, CDO is not a Chief Data Officer — he’s a Chief Destiny Officer. While we focus on data here at Talend, we’re trying to understand the 36% of business executives who say they don’t base the majority of their decisions on data.

Supercharge your Airflow Pipelines with the Cloudera Provider Package

Many customers looking at modernizing their pipeline orchestration have turned to Apache Airflow, a flexible and scalable workflow manager for data engineers. With 100s of open source operators, Airflow makes it easy to deploy pipelines in the cloud and interact with a multitude of services on premise, in the cloud, and across cloud providers for a true hybrid architecture.

Modernizing Your Cloud Platform for IT Agility and Efficiency

Businesses are increasingly embracing a cloud-first approach to increase market responsiveness and flexibility. The cloud-first approach refers to a cloud-like experience consisting of on-demand metered consumption of IT infrastructure, whether on the public cloud or inside private data centers. The rapidly evolving consensus among the tech leaders and vendors has led to an emergence of hybrid IT.

BaseLinker - Best E-Commerce Integrator

In today’s digital age, the shift to automated tools has to get a wriggle on since the uncertainty of physical workflow prevails. As such, online businesses require software and tools which can integrate manufacturing, inventory, financials, and orders at one place to enhance the internal communication between the ecosystem, all the while increasing the overall revenue.