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Democratizing Machine Learning Capabilities With Qlik Sense and Amazon SageMaker

The ability to discover insights from past events, transactions and interactions is how many customers currently utilize Qlik. Qlik’s unique approach to Business Intelligence (BI) using an in-memory engine and intuitive interface has democratized BI for typical business users, who usually have little to no technical savvy. But, for many years, organizations have only been able to analyze metrics or KPIs of “what has happened” (i.e., descriptive analytics).

Democratizing Machine Learning Capabilities With Qlik Sense and Amazon SageMaker

The ability to discover insights from past events, transactions and interactions is how many customers currently utilize Qlik. Qlik’s unique approach to Business Intelligence (BI) using an in-memory engine and intuitive interface has democratized BI for typical business users, who usually have little to no technical savvy. But, for many years, organizations have only been able to analyze metrics or KPIs of “what has happened” (i.e., descriptive analytics).

Appium vs Selenium - Architecture, Functionality, Applications, and Everything in Between

It’s perhaps difficult to remember life before smartphones. Today, mobile phones have transformed dramatically to become the information and communication hub fundamental to modern life: from paying for your next meal to tracking your sleep habits. This explosion of the mobile industry puts testing professionals under pressure to keep up with speed without sacrificing their mobile apps’ quality.

When Debugging Meets Performance

Our ongoing goal at Rookout, the Live Debugging company, is to turn the debugging of live, remote applications into something that every developer can easily do as part of their daily workflow. Recently, we have taken this challenge one step further. What if we could make it so developers were also able to solve performance issues on a daily basis as well? Some recent additions we made to the Rookout platform are the first step towards turning that vision into a reality.

6 Tech Trends and Predictions That Are Happening Faster Than You Think

Whoa! Another prediction season is already upon us. Shaped by the fast-moving aftershocks of the COVID-19 crisis, 2021 promises to be a time of change. As usual, we made our predictions list and checked it twice. But rather than guess the future, we asked experts, business leaders, and big thinkers to help us size up noteworthy trends and technologies that should be on your radar in 2021 and beyond. Here’s a quick rundown of what we found out.

Cloud Data Management Guide: Solutions & Best Practices

Your data can quickly get out of control when you’re working with multiple cloud storage services and applications throughout your organization. Complex cloud ecosystems can make it difficult to know what data you have, how it’s being managed, whether it’s safe, and how to use it effectively. Cloud data management platforms can stop this frustrating scenario in its tracks.

Get to Know Your Retail Customer: Accelerating Customer Insight and Relevance

There are lessons to be learned from the brick and mortar or pure-play digital retailers that have been successful in the Covid-19 chaos. As the pandemic’s stress test of e-commerce, in-store insights, supply chain visibility, and fulfillment capabilities have revealed shortcomings, and long-lasting consumer experiences— it has also allowed many companies to pivot to very successful strategies built on enterprise data and the digitization efforts that accompany it.

Global View Distributed File System with Mount Points

Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the most popular file system in the big data world. The Apache Hadoop File System interface has provided integration to many other popular storage systems like Apache Ozone, S3, Azure Data Lake Storage etc. Some HDFS users want to extend the HDFS Namenode capacity by configuring Federation of Namenodes. Other users prefer other alternative file systems like Apache Ozone or S3 due to their scaling benefit.