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Ritual Improves Retention With a Modern Data Stack

A brittle ETL pipeline, a mix of different code languages and degrading warehouse performance inhibited customer retention analysis. With a modern data stack, Ritual has a 95% reduction in data pipeline issues, a 75% reduction in query times, and a threefold increase in data team velocity. By empowering the business with data, the business has seen a sustained improvement in retention.

Kuma 0.6.0 Released With Hybrid Universal Support for Service Mesh and CNCF Donation

We are happy to announce the much-anticipated Kuma 0.6 release! This new release ships with major improvements, especially when it comes to supporting service meshes that can span across multiple clouds, multiple Kubernetes clusters and hybrid platforms (Kubernetes + VMs) in enterprise environments. Kuma has also been donated to the CNCF as a Sandbox project: the first Envoy-based service mesh to ever be donated to the foundation. Let’s unwrap these announcements.

Are you prepared to mature to 'ready-made' data management?

When it comes to furnishing our living spaces, it seems we go through phases. When I was just setting out and leaving home, IKEA was my preferred furniture store. You make your choice, collect all the flat-pack boxes, lug them home, and after some hex key gymnastics: voilà. You’ve truly made it! Since then, I’ve drifted from the “some assembly required” phase to the “ready-made” one.

Flutter Talks: Performance with Filip Hráček from Flutter

Flutter blurs the lines between designer and developer and endorses a new designer developer archetype. Part designer part engineer, part Picasso and part Pascal. With ambitious designs comes the responsibility to make those designs run on the screen without losing frames. While Flutter is performant by design, how much should we really pay attention to performance optimisation? In most cases … we don’t.

API-First Product Managers' Popular API Tools and API Metrics

We interviewed the product managers at a number of the larger API-first companies that are based in San Francisco. The companies are all publicly traded, have TTM revenue of more than $100M and are in the fields of billing, security, communications and workflow automation. The PMs were asked what were their favorite tools and what API metrics they cared most about.

API Tools for Every Phase of the API Lifecycle

When you set out to build your first API, it can very well be that you are either overwhelmed or forget essential points. The ecosystem for API tools is vast, and it’s vital to get the right tool for every phase of your project. In this article, we will go through the different phases an API project usually has. For every phase, I will list the significant points and tools that help there.

5 Ways to Improve Your Dev Team Velocity

Velocity, much like the pulse rate or oxygen level of an individual, is an important measure of health for your development team. A low velocity score for recent sprints limits your team's options for delivering value. Sustained failure to deliver to stakeholders can erode trust with those stakeholders quickly. But how do you know exactly what your velocity is and how you can improve it?