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How to Deploy Transaction Support on Cloudera Operational Database (COD)

Cloudera Operational Database enables developers to quickly build future-proof applications that are architected to handle data evolution. It helps developers automate and simplify database management with capabilities like auto-scale, and is fully integrated with Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). For more information and to get started with COD, refer to our article Getting Started with Cloudera Data Platform Operational Database (COD).

How Does Process Mining Work? Plus 7 Misconceptions Debunked

In the past, the process improvement aspect of business process management relied on lengthy and time-consuming research. Process managers held discussions with stakeholders, made guesstimates about how or why a process underperformed, and spent days, sometimes weeks testing enhancements to see if they could observe a difference. Now, businesses have access to a data-driven process optimization tool: process mining.

Debugging in Elixir and Erlang: An Introduction

Welcome to part one of this two-part series on debugging in Elixir and Erlang. In this post, we'll use several different tools and techniques to debug Elixir code. First, we'll get to know the demo project I created to showcase certain tools: dist_messenger. It's an Elixir project of a distributed messaging system that can be used directly on IEx. It allows users in different nodes to send and receive messages to each other.

Introduction to async/await in TypeScript

Imagine if your application were allowed to perform only one task at a time. For example, if users download their favourite music or scroll through the feed, delivering seamless navigation would have needed interdimensional sorcery! However, thanks to asynchronous programming, such cases are easily avoidable during development. So, be it a mobile app or web application, the usability of asynchronous programming is inevitable.

Solid Software Design Principles

In this article, we will see SOLID principles and how to implement those principles while building a software application. Robert. C. Martin (popularly known as Uncle Bob) introduced the SOLID principle. Later, Michael Feather re-orders the principle to form the acronym. It helps to implement better code design, maintainability, and extendability.

How to Inspect Element on iPhone

Learn how to inspect elements on an iPhone or iPad for testing and troubleshooting web and mobile web UI issues When you're developing a web or mobile web app, you need to make sure the user interface (UI) is responsive. In other words, the UI elements need to look and function as designed across different mobile device models, browsers, and operating systems (OS). Inspecting elements is a helpful tool for troubleshooting web UI issues.

How to Lint K6 Tests and add a pre-commit hook - Stuart Thomas

I’m a big fan of K6, it makes writing performance tests quick and easy. In fact I wrote about it previously on my blog in a post titled Performance testing APIs in pipelines? K6 makes it simple! What I didn’t mention in that post was how to lint K6. Now you might be thinking, K6 tests are written in JavaScript, how hard can it be to lint? The problem is that although we write K6 tests in JavaScript, K6 itself is written in GoLang, an so we run into issues with Linting when importing K6.

3 Low-Risk Digital Transformation Strategies

Digital transformation is one of the hottest new business models in the enterprise today. Going through this process places digital technologies front and center in all of a company’s strategic goals. And it’s not an easy undertaking, either. You’ll need to contemplate and analyze core business functions carefully. You’ll also need to involve change management and invest time and resources, but the potential rewards are many.

Learn About Responsive Website Design and Responsive Design Testing

Learn the basics of responsive website design and testing to help your team ensure great UX across different devices and configurations. One of the main challenges that development and QA teams face today involves screen resolution. Depending on the device from which a user connects, screen resolutions could range from a mere 320 pixels wide (the screen width on the iPhone 5, which has the smallest resolution of modern devices) to 4K desktop displays with resolutions of 3840 by 2160 pixels or more.

What is Data Governance? Accountability and Quality Control in Analytics

Effective control and governance over your data assets is vital for long-term business success. By keeping your data available, reliable and usable for analysis, consumption and sharing, you can ensure data quality, data security and data reliability is consistently met. However, many organizations today struggle to implement governance frameworks over their data, which has once again highlighted the importance of data governance. So, what is data governance?