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10 Myths About Custom Website Development

Website design has a significant impact on how long an online business will last, whether you’re operating a basic affiliate marketing business or an online store. Website development is an entirely different discipline, which also has a significant impact on business success. To ensure you get the best of both, consider hiring a professional to create a website for you.

How Does Process Mining Work? Plus 7 Misconceptions Debunked

In the past, the process improvement aspect of business process management relied on lengthy and time-consuming research. Process managers held discussions with stakeholders, made guesstimates about how or why a process underperformed, and spent days, sometimes weeks testing enhancements to see if they could observe a difference. Now, businesses have access to a data-driven process optimization tool: process mining.

Data modeling techniques for data warehousing

When setting up a modern data stack, data warehouse modeling is often the very first step. It is important to create an architecture that supports the data models that you wish to build. I often see people going straight to writing complex transformations before thinking about how they want to organize the databases, schemas, and tables within their warehouse. To succeed, it is key to design your data warehouse with your models in mind before starting the modeling process.

How to Deploy Transaction Support on Cloudera Operational Database (COD)

Cloudera Operational Database enables developers to quickly build future-proof applications that are architected to handle data evolution. It helps developers automate and simplify database management with capabilities like auto-scale, and is fully integrated with Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). For more information and to get started with COD, refer to our article Getting Started with Cloudera Data Platform Operational Database (COD).

Optimize Your AWS Lambdas with TypeScript

Last time in this series, we looked at improving the developer experience. As your Lambda function gains more features and dependencies, you may notice that the bundle size begins to grow exponentially. This can negatively affect deployments and cold starts. A bigger bundle means deployments take longer to upload to the AWS cloud. The JavaScript engine has more work to do before it can execute the Lambda function. In this take, we will focus on optimizing our Lambda function.

Top 5 iOS Automation Testing Frameworks with Code Examples

Automation testing is the name you hear from almost all software engineers. Ever wondered why? This is because of the versatility of automating the test cases across multiple OS platforms, browsers, and browser versions. Though Selenium is the most widely used tool, there are other testing frameworks that has almost similar features as Selenium. Also, iOS is the widely used operating system as it gives an edge over Android by offering better synchronization between hardware and software.

November '22 Updates: iOS 16.1 and Latest iPads on Simulators & Real Devices, Announcing Our Community Fellows, and More

Fall is on the way out, and we have a lot to be grateful for: hot apple cider, extra helpings of stuffing, and oh yes — a bounty of exciting updates from Sauce Labs! Let's dive in.

Transaction Support in Cloudera Operational Database (COD)

CDP Operational Database enables developers to quickly build future-proof applications that are architected to handle data evolution. It helps developers automate and simplify database management with capabilities like auto-scale, and is fully integrated with Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). For more information and to get started with COD, refer to Getting Started with Cloudera Data Platform Operational Database (COD).

How You Can Contribute to ClearML's MLOps Platform

ClearML is an open source MLOps platform, and we love the community that’s been growing around us over the last few years. In this post, we’ll give you an overview of the structure of the ClearML codebase so you know what to do when you want to contribute to our community. Prefer to watch the video? Click below: First things first. Let’s take a look at our GitHub page and corresponding repositories. Later on, we’ll cover the most important ones in detail.