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Mobile App Distribution Made Easy - Introducing Applivery Integrations

Cheers to the newest addition to the Bitrise Step Library — meet Applivery , a powerful enterprise mobile device management system that enables full control over your Mobile Apps. Combined with Bitrise, you can cover the entire development life cycle, from testing and building to delivery and feedback.

A Window of Opportunity: How windowing saved our data table

The modern age of web development that includes modularized, encapsulated web components, has brought us a plethora of tools, technologies, frameworks, and libraries of all varieties. With every such tool that is created to simplify our lives as developers in the long run, there's also a catch we sometimes neglect to consider: the cost of maintenance and performance.

Future-proofing the supply chain with real-time data

Next to the healthcare system, COVID-19’s biggest infrastructural burden fell upon the supply chain. Fluctuations in supply and demand of essential goods, along with the oil surplus, led to a freight cliff in mid-April. Outbound tender volume and spot rates bottomed out, which highlighted a massive drop in demand. As the market rebounds, technological investments are key to the industry’s recovery.

Minimizing Cloud Concentration Risk for Financial Services Institutions, Regulators and Cloud Service Providers

Since the financial crisis of 2008, regulators have been consistently working to identify emerging risks that can potentially result in financial stability events. The growth in cloud adoption across the Financial Services Industry (FSI) and the associated increase in reliance on third-party infrastructure providers has gained the attention of regulators at global, regional, and national levels.

Snowflake Enables Modern Cloud Data Analytics at US Foods

Approximately 300,000 restaurants and food service operators across the United States rely on US Foods as their national distributor for food and supplies. In return, US Foods takes a holistic approach to servicing customers by going beyond food offerings. The distributor provides a comprehensive suite of e-commerce technology and business solutions that help restaurants manage their entire business.

test.allTheThings() with Cypress and TestCafe

Earlier this year, Sauce Labs announced the release of our newest product to expand developer-first capabilities: Sauce Testrunner Toolkit. Currently in a free beta, it makes setting up, writing, and running web tests easier and faster for developers during early pipeline testing. This is the first in a number of updates to our platform that empower developers with the tools they need to achieve quality at scale.

Use Fivetran to Sync Any Unsupported Source

Fivetran is the industry leader of fully managed data integration from lots of different sources to your data warehouse. There are hundreds of popular sources, like Salesforce, Zendesk, NetSuite, and more, for which Fivetran has fully managed, prebuilt connectors that can deliver your data to your warehouse within literal minutes. However, people often struggle to get data from more obscure sources since most data integration tools focus on what is popular.

Why Should Your Business Move to the Cloud?

Cloud computing is a well-established IT option for businesses of all sizes in the modern era, but there are still plenty of organizations that have remained reticent about adoption. If you are in this camp, here is a look at a few of the reasons that migrating an on-premise data warehouse to the cloud may make a lot of sense, in addition to the other contexts in which the cloud could be a better fit for your business.