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Featuring NelsonHall | Next-Gen Digital Tech Landscape & Cigniti's Propulsion Into the Digital Orbit

Dominique Raviart, IT Services Practice Director at NelsonHall, in conversation with Sairam Vedam (CMO, Cigniti), talks about how the growing adoption of next-gen technologies is enabling a Digital-First ecosystem, worldwide across industries. As Cigniti continues to invest in augmenting capabilities to power the digital journey of our global customers, Dominique offers insights on why Cigniti has been continuously positioned as a leader in the NEAT charts over the years. Listen to Dominique in a fireside chat with Sairam in this latest episode of Cigniti Digital Dialogues.

Easily trouble shoot long-running Steps with Build Insights

Build Insights is a monitoring tool that provides you a convenient means to check in on your build performance and track accompanying metrics. With a quick scan, you can see how all your apps and workflows are doing. If something doesn't look right, drill in for more details to understand where the problem is on app, Workflow, and Step level. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to inspect elements in mac

An integral part of a web designer, a web developer, and a web tester’s work revolves around testing elements on the web application. For someone unaware of the inspector’s strengths, the first thing that would come to your mind to initiate testing is sharing the code. But the next thing you know, you are restricted from doing such a task as the source is confidential and should not be shared with people other than those related to the development team of the same project.

How to use self-service analytics for product-led growth

As the SVP for User Growth at ThoughtSpot, my job is to optimize our product features to reduce friction and encourage more user engagement. I spend my days analyzing our user data to answer questions like: The key to product-led growth is to identify measurable success metrics both for the product overall (your North Star metric) and for each product feature. Choosing the right North Star metric is crucial.

Get Started with Hotwire in Your Ruby on Rails App

Hotwire is a hot topic at the moment for every Rails developer. If you work with Rails, there is a good chance you have already heard a lot about it. Hotwire is a completely new way of adding interactivity to your app with very few lines of code, and it works blazing fast by transmitting HTML over the wire. That means you can keep your hands clean from most Single Page Applications (SPA) frameworks.

NEW Visual Testing Enhancements | Katalon Platform

Previously, only a single baseline collection was allowed when scheduling test runs. This created situations where baseline images were marked as “missing” in different test suites that did not test the same application sections. With this update, users can now choose to use different baselines when scheduling a test run. You may view baseline collections as well as their captured images via the “Visual Testing” tab.

How to Fix the No Such Element Exception in Java

The NoSuchElementException is an unchecked exception in Java that can be thrown by various accessor methods to indicate that the element being requested does not exist. Since the NoSuchElementException is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.