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BivwAk! - Case study

BivwAk! is the transformation hub for BNP Paribas. Its goal is to bring new services and skillsets at the crossroad of all BNP Paribas entities. It’s in this context that Dino learned about OctoPerf. Dino Dona is the QA lead at BivwAk! He handles all the testing-related activities. Dino is very passionate about testing because it's a constantly evolving space. With new methodologies and tools emerging all the time. We met Dino at the french testing event JFTL.

CIAM Responsible Solutions for Creating Positive Consumer Experiences - CIAM Trend Chat NA 2022

Consumers see the world as all digital with no divide. As a result, whether those consumers are young, old, digitally savvy, or technophobes; organizations are going to have to find a way to ‘deliver better customer interactions’ than their competitors if they are to acquire and retain them. Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) can be defined as “A customer-focused IAM discipline that facilitates leveraging identity data with business data to catalyze business growth”.

The Need and Impact of Digital Banking Units

Banks are free to adopt an in-sourced or out-sourced model for operations of the digital banking segment, including DBUs. This gives the banks an opportunity to experiment with disruptive technologies in the cloud, one thing at a time. With so many innovations happening out there by fintech’s, banks do not have to bother about getting them to work with their core banking system, picking up best-of-breed solutions available on the cloud. The solutions tried and tested can then be added to the bank’s core banking system, says Vishnu Vardhan Vankayala, Associate Principal Consultant, Cigniti Technologies.

WWDC 2022 Day 1 Recap - Bitrise Roundtable

Every year in San Jose, Apple Inc. holds the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple uses the conference to showcase its new software and technologies. Attendees can participate in hands-on labs with Apple engineers and attend in-depth sessions on a wide range of topics. We decided to do a recap of the first day's most important happenings with the team!

Retrieving Spotify data with Talend Open Studio - Talend Job #1

Talend's own Richard Hall hosts the segment “Job of the Week" – showing you fun ways to use data for maximum good, minimal evil, and maybe even some bragging rights. In this video, Richard started with a party trick using Talend Open Studio and Spotify. In 15 minutes, he shows you how to retrieve data from Spotify.