Invoking APIs in Asgardeo
APIs should always be secure. In this article, I will show you how to invoke endpoints of SCIM, DCR, and Session Management APIs in Asgardeo. There are two ways to invoke APIs in Asgardeo.
APIs should always be secure. In this article, I will show you how to invoke endpoints of SCIM, DCR, and Session Management APIs in Asgardeo. There are two ways to invoke APIs in Asgardeo.
BivwAk! is the transformation hub for BNP Paribas. Its goal is to bring new services and skillsets at the crossroad of all BNP Paribas entities. It’s in this context that Dino learned about OctoPerf. Dino Dona is the QA lead at BivwAk! He handles all the testing-related activities. Dino is very passionate about testing because it's a constantly evolving space. With new methodologies and tools emerging all the time. We met Dino at the french testing event JFTL.