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JavaScript Package Managers: NPM Vs YARN Vs PNPM

Package managers are software tools that help programmers and developers to install, update and uninstall packages of code, libraries, or other software. There are many package managers for a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript's NPM and Ruby's GEM. Package managers typically use metadata to determine which versions of a package are available and the dependencies of each version package managers vary in the type of automated software they install and update.

Becoming AI-First: How to Get There

Deciding to adopt an AI-first strategy is the easy part. Figuring out how to implement it takes a little more effort. It requires a clear-eyed vision built around well-defined goals and a realistic execution plan. Being AI-first means setting up your organization for the future. By leveraging data, analytics, and automation, a company can gain a better understanding of where it is and where it needs to go.

Automotive Industry Trends 2022: What Software Developers Need to Know

The automotive industry has been undergoing significant changes as it works to adapt to growing market demands and challenges associated with electric, autonomous, and hybrid vehicles. Here, we take a look at some notable trends that were highlighted in our report, 2022 State of Automotive Software Development.

Reinventing the Healthcare Enterprise with Analytics

Whether you work in a hospital, long-term care facility, clinical lab, or a HealthTech company, all workers in the healthcare sector today are focused on value-based care and cost efficiencies. For organizations intent on streamlining processes, an analytics tool is the logical next step. Undoubtedly, embedded analytics solutions deliver the best outcomes.

Embedded Analytics: The Secret to Promoting Information Democracy

One element that rings true in the world of analytics is that it is everchanging. Chief Data Officers and business leaders must stay abreast of key trends so their organizations don’t miss out on its benefits. A relatively new buzzword in the embedded analytics arena was coined by thought leader Howard Dresner, who serves as Chief Research Officer of Dresner Advisory Services.

Why Everyone's Talking About Composable Analytics

In the restaurant industry, they say that you’re only as good as your last meal. The same is true with technology. You have to keep up with the latest and be the greatest to remain competitive. It is a dynamically changing industry, and staying ahead of key trends is of the utmost importance. The most recent talk is around a new concept described as “composable analytics.”

How To Define an API Integration To Support Business Agility

API integrations are foundational to the innovation and agility companies need to remain competitive. Using APIs lets companies connect systems to build new capabilities to extend their services and provide enhanced customer experiences. This guide discusses API integrations and shows you how to define an API integration to start building your API ecosystem.

Updating your dependencies for M1 Macs and CI/CD

TL;DR: This article covers how to update dependencies for Homebrew, CocoaPods, Carthage, Ruby, and more if you are using M1 Macs. However, for the M1 Mac minis available on Codemagic, you don’t have to do anything described in this article — everything is already preinstalled and preconfigured, so you can just use them right away.

What Are the Benefits of Using Big Data in B2B Ecommerce?

Here are five things to know about the benefits of using big data in B2B e-commerce: The world produces 2.5 quintillion bytes of big data every single day. However, this data is meaningless without insight and context. B2B e-commerce companies like yours need to identify trends and patterns from this information; otherwise, data is little more than numbers on a spreadsheet.

Software developer tools to increase productivity

In this blog post I want to go over some of the software I use alongside my IDE/version control tools during my day-to-day work. These tools allow me to cut down on wasted time spent doing things inefficiently, track my work, take notes, and generally make my life easier. I’ve also reached out to Damien, a local developer friend who has provided me examples of the tools they use as a front end developer.