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CodeZero Launches Surf, a New Developer Tool for Observability in Pre-production Kubernetes Environments

CodeZero announces the general availability of Surf, a developer tool that provides real-time, collaborative, rich-querying capability for pre-production Kubernetes environments. Surf allows developers and teams to de-mystify Kubernetes artifacts, provides powerful troubleshooting capabilities and improves collaboration. Scaling data operations and saving clients 30% in marketing costs

Marketing Intelligence empowers companies to leverage their in-house data with advanced data-driven insights to transform and optimize marketing efforts towards scalable growth. We talked to Marek, a battle-proven data scientist and co-founder of Marketing Intelligence. Marek started his career as a solo data scientist in a marketing team, grew into the Head of Marketing, and decided to marry the two fields into the successful company we nowadays know as Marketing Intelligence.

Edge messaging: The backbone of live online experiences

Computing advances have taken us full circle. From terminals and a mainframe to individual personal computers, to cloud-based centralization again. Today, the devices we carry with us exceed the power of those original mainframes. They connect and inform us with a range of responsive, live experiences. Where would we be without live sports scores, online chat, order-delivery tracking, or synchronized document collaboration?

UDO Games: With Codemagic everyone can trigger a build

UDO Games is a mobile game studio founded in Turkey in 2013. It is one of the oldest gaming companies in Ankara. Over the course of years, UDO Games has worked on hundreds of games and launched dozens of hit titles with well-known publishers. More than 70 million players have played hyper-casual games created by the studio.

SAP Performance Testing - Breaking Down the Longer SAP GUI Response Times

SAP offers one of the best ERP solutions for enterprise business critical operations. The success of these business operations depends on the reliability of the SAP deployment. Though the SAP solutions are perhaps thoroughly tested, rigorous performance testing is needed to understand the operations behavior of SAP under heavy loads.

Kong Inc. supports the newly announced Envoy Gateway project to reduce fragmentation in the Envoy ecosystem

Today, the Envoy community has introduced Envoy Gateway, a new project to better support Kubernetes deployments via the new Kubernetes Gateway API, which is the next generation Ingress specification in Kubernetes world. Kong has been deeply invested in the success of Envoy since we started developing Kuma in 2019 – now used in Kong Mesh (built on top of Kuma).

The Best Business Digital Transformation Software

Whether you’re a new business or a well-established company, in the 21st-century business world, data reigns king. To stay relevant in the current age, every business must invest in some form of digital transformation. The best business transformation software can help your business’s transformation. If your company isn’t incorporating digital technologies into your business strategy, you’ll soon be left in the dust of your competitors.