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Fast Forward Live: Few-Shot Text Classification

Join us for this month's Machine Learning research discussion with Cloudera Fast Forward Labs. We will discuss few-shot text classification - including a live demo and Q&A. This is an applied research report by Cloudera Fast Forward. We write reports about emerging technologies. Accompanying each report are working prototypes or code that exhibits the capabilities of the algorithm and offer detailed technical advice on its practical application.

Scaling Cypress, TestCafe, Playwright, and Puppeteer Tests on Sauce Labs = SauceCon 2021 Demo

In this demo Kunal Jain, Director of Product Management at Sauce Labs, will show you how to use new Sauce Labs capabilities to run your JavaScript tests at scale on Sauce Labs, while accessing test insights. In recent years, there’s been a shift towards JavaScript test automation frameworks. Today many Sauce Labs customers are using Cypress, TestCafe, Puppeteer, and most recently Playwright.

Service Mesh and Microservices: Improving Network Management and Observability

Whether you're transitioning away from a monolith or building a green-field app, opting for a microservice architecture brings many benefits as well as certain challenges. These challenges include namely managing the network and maintaining observability in the microservice architecture. Enter the service mesh, a valuable component of modern cloud-native applications that handles inter-service communication and offers a solution to network management and microservice architecture visibility.

Introducing Ably Asset Tracking - public beta now available

Over the past 18 months, as we’ve sheltered at home, the demand for global and last mile logistics, food delivery applications, and urban mobility services has skyrocketed. Realtime location data underpins much of the core value these applications and services provide. It enables delightful user experiences that make hungry end-users happy.

Report: The 5 main benefits you can expect from migrating your app to cloud CI

Our research finds that leaving Jenkins behind results in a higher return on investment, thanks to predictability of resource requirements and freed-up capacity. Read our new report focusing on the business impact of switching to cloud-based CI.

Managing From Home: Running Software Teams in a Remote-First World

Working from home, remote-first, asynchronous work. There are many ways to describe our new way of professional life. Much has been explored from an employees point of view, but how do leaders and managers deal with the new situation? We have a look at the challenges and needs of software engineering leadership.

Helix ALM vs. Doors Next

Helix ALM is an application lifecycle management tool, which includes requirements management, test case management, and issue management. It is applicable across a broad range of methodologies, including modern agile practices, traditional waterfall development, or a hybrid approach. Because it encompasses a broad scope of records and team activities, Helix ALM specializes in end-to-end traceability and configurable workflows.