2020 Cloud Data Warehouse Benchmark: Redshift, Snowflake, Presto and BigQuery
The Fivetran data warehousing benchmark compares price, performance and differentiated features for BigQuery, Presto, Redshift and Snowflake.
The Fivetran data warehousing benchmark compares price, performance and differentiated features for BigQuery, Presto, Redshift and Snowflake.
Fivetran introduces our native integration with dbt to run your transformation models hosted in Github directly from our application!
With a modern data stack, Ziff Davis centralizes Google Analytics 360 and ad data to gain insights into paid search performance.
Hiring a New York or Menlo Park white-shoe law firm to write your app’s Terms of Service (ToS) might bring peace of mind, but how do you ensure that your expensive rules are actually adhered to. Just like the pervasive abuse of customer review guidelines in B2C companies, B2B companies also suffer from multiple/unverified review problems. Similarly, by their design, APIs are also vulnerable to misuse by bad actors, but this time through brute force attacks.
Most modern applications today are being designed as a set of microservices with each service running as an independent application. This simply implies that one large application is broken down into small Apps running independently and only communicating with each other. This of course makes it much easier to build and maintain Apps but also offers way more value when combined with containerization technology.
Most of the applications we see for the ELK stack are from businesses which want to improve their customers' experience. To return relevant search results and to create Kibana dashboards that allow them to analyse data and give the customers what they want. But there are some cases where the customer is always wrong, and where the last thing you want to do is give a site visitor what he wants. Welcome to the world of forensics, compliance and fraud detection.
A common complaint that I hear is: “My tests run a lot faster locally than on Sauce Labs.” Sauce Labs is in the cloud and not in your local network, so it makes sense that any given test is going to have some amount of slowdown. The advantage of Sauce Labs is that you can make up this difference by scaling up the number of tests you run at the same time.
The world has gone remote. For those that can, working from home has become the new normal thanks to Covid-19. The gradual shift underway over the past number of years has accelerated, and most organizations have adapted. This mass pivot has been enabled largely by technology, specifically the move to SaaS and cloud, which allow employees to working productively from almost anywhere.
“JMeter is old technology”, I hear this a lot. “Let’s use this tool or that tool instead of JMeter as it’s the latest”, I hear this a lot. “We need a lightweight tool without the GUI interface to write our tests as that will make us more agile”, I hear this a lot.
Fivetran integrates MariaDB data into BigQuery, enabling Australia’s largest ecommerce pet store to understand and improve its customer journey.