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You didn't say there was going to be a test!

I clip in and drive down on the pedals with all of my energy, legs turning and lungs burning as my heart rate soars during this cycling test. I continue to push my limits during this eight-minute, all-out effort. Why would anyone put themselves through such an exercise? The answer is testing. It is a great method to determine the current baseline, establish targeted areas for development and set milestone events.

Stitch and Talend: Working Together To Make Data Integration Easy

Data integration is one of the hardest things developers have to do, but the talented members of the Talend User Group have lots of ideas on how to make it easier. Stitch, now part of Talend, recently hosted the inaugural meeting of the Philadelphia Talend User Group in their office. It was a great time characterized by interesting presentations, tons of food, and a chance to meet and talk with peers who use Talend products.

You Can't Secure What You Can't See: Protecting APIs

Last year, it was briefly possible for anyone with rudimentary technical knowledge to upload and host files — including potentially malware — on a .gov website. The vulnerability resulted in protest posts and pranks but, thankfully, no lasting damage. Even so, as the most devious or most paranoid among you likely already recognize, this vulnerability had all the makings of a dangerous and effective phishing campaign.

Where in the hype cycle should your business adopt AI

There's an incredible amount of hype about AI today. Consumer use cases like self-driving cars and robotics have captured people’s imaginations and shown them that they can make a huge leap with innovation rather than an incremental change. That shift in thinking is exciting, but there’s also a lot of FOMO around AI that means businesses are just trying to tick a box rather than thinking more deeply about how they can use automation to improve their business.

4 Best Practices For Utilizing Talend Data Catalog in Your ETL/ELT Processes

Talend Data Catalog provides intelligent data discovery that delivers a single source of trusted data into a centralized data catalog. Talend Data Catalog provides the capability for doing impact analysis and/or tracing lineage by harvesting Talend data integration Jobs. For example, you can find the use of a specific attribute or column from the source to the destination of the data flow within the scope of a Talend data integration Job.

Why you should care how your BI platform is funded

There's been a huge amount of investment in the BI space recently. A recent article by Dave Kellogg talked about the hype in valuation and capital efficiency of many BI companies. It’s an important topic that people purchasing analytics platforms should think about because it says a lot about what priorities a business has.