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How to Query a Redshift Table With Talend Cloud

Talend Cloud enables the use of several prebuilt connectors and components for different services running on cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. This article explores a use case of querying an Amazon Redshift table as part of a Talend Job developed using Talend Studio and executed as a task on Talend Cloud.

Kong Enterprise 0.35 Released - Featuring Integration with HashiCorp Vault!

Today we’re thrilled to announce general availability for Kong Enterprise 0.35. This release of Kong Enterprise contains numerous new features, including a new integration with HashiCorp Vault, huge usability improvements in Kong Manager and the Kong Dev Portal, and a host of updates to some of our most popular Kong Enterprise tools.

Continuous Integration Testing for WordPress

While continuous integration is a common practice for most development teams, the stateful nature of WordPress makes it difficult, but not impossible, to setup. For our open source WordPress plugin, we wanted to integrate our standard build and test process for every pull request using CircleCI. While it might be easier to setup a permanent staging environment, we wanted every build to be isolated for dependable testing.

Announcing Kong's Integration with Vault!

Today we’re excited to show how Kong Enterprise customers can utilize our new plugin for HashiCorp Vault for authentication and secrets management. Like the Terraform integration released last year, this new integration with Vault represents another step towards allowing Kong Enterprise customers to leverage HashiCorp’s suite of cloud infrastructure automation tools.

Is analytics going back to the future?

The biggest takeaway from Gartner’s Magic Quadrant (the MQ) this year for me is that organizations, analysts, and vendors now realize that analytics is not linear. While many businesses are looking to artificial intelligence and augmented analytics, these don’t replace other types of analytics. There’s very little point in delivering sophisticated advanced automated analytics if you haven’t got your ‘bread and butter’ reporting and governance working.

Join our New Kong Champions Program!

Today, we’re excited to launch the Kong Champions Program, a new program that recognizes Kong’s “super” users and contributors – community members who go above and beyond in supporting Kong’s open source product – and gives them unique opportunities to make an impact on the Kong community. Kong was founded on open source DNA, and we remain committed to building and fostering a vibrant community that together achieves great things.

Use Tideways for applications of all sizes with the new Flex plan

The PHP community is large and diverse in their approach to build and run PHP applications. We have seen hundreds of small applications running on a handful of servers and one product running on multiple clusters and hundreds of servers across the globe. Still, we believe all PHP applications regardless of size benefit from monitoring, profiling and exception tracking functionality.

How to Deploy Yellowfin Signals on Google Analytics Data

In the previous blog, we initially discussed how Yellowfin Signals discovered a surprising website traffic spike hidden in our Google Analytics data. So how did we set up Signals? And did we learn anything along the way? Read on below for our learnings and suggested best practice (this is going to be a deep dive, so grab a coffee and enjoy!)

Make Google Analytics data meaningful with Yellowfin Signals

Lots of organizations use Google Analytics and Google Insights to monitor the effectiveness of their digital marketing. While it looks appealing, some of the information it delivers is almost meaningless. It’s so complicated that it doesn’t help you understand what’s happening in your business.

The Impact of AI on the Data Analyst

The introduction of AI, automation and data storytelling to the world of analytics has not only had an immediate impact on the end users of analytics but also the people that work in the field. While many analysts may fear they will be replaced by automation and AI, CEO of Yellowfin, Glen Rabie, believes that the role of the data analyst will increase in significance to the business and breadth of skills required.