Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Supporting custom user attributes with SCIM 2 #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can define custom user attributes in SCIM 2.0 using a custom schema in just 15mins. WSO2 Identity Server allows adding custom attributes into user objects through Enterprise User Extension. From IS-6.0.0 onwards, you can use a custom schema to manage your custom attributes of the user.

DevSecOps: Injecting security testing into iOS CI/CD pipelines

How can you develop more secure iOS apps? In this presentation, Bitrise Developer Advocate Moataz Nabil shares the best practices for injecting security into the CI/CD pipeline. Build better mobile applications, faster! Automate and accelerate with Bitrise's Mobile DevOps Platform, featuring industry-leading mobile CI/CD.

Identity Server 6 & Private CIAM Cloud with B2B CIAM, WSO2 Webinar

In today’s competitive environment, many organizations seek to expand their business operations through innovative partnerships (B2B). These partnerships can transform an organization’s entire value delivery chain, allowing them to create new business models and reach more customers. Learn about WSO2’s latest feature enhancements that enable organizations to create innovative, low-friction customer experiences across B2C, B2B, and G2C use cases.

What's new in Kong Gateway 3.0 with Michael Heap and Guanlan Dai | #KongSummit22

What’s next for Kong Gateway? Join us as we reveal the next evolution of Kong's cloud-native API platform. Businesses are fighting to build exceptional digital experiences to stay ahead — and that means an explosion of demand for APIs. But with more APIs to design, run, and govern, you have to juggle managing APIs across mixed and complex environments, scaling to the demand of web applications, and ensuring compliance and security as APIs become the number one attack vector.

Code signing issues in Xcode 14 and how to fix them

Since the release of Xcode 14, numerous code signing issues have emerged, plaguing builds across various CI/CD platforms. And even though code signing process was never easy, issues like these were relatively uncommon in previous versions of Xcode, such as Xcode 13 and Xcode 12, leaving many developers worried. If you are facing some unfamiliar code signing issues with Xcode 14, while everything seems to be fine with your keys and certificates, you aren’t alone.

Bridging The Gap Between Legacy Security And Modern Threat Detection

In this episode of “Powered by Snowflake” host Daniel Myers sits down with Anvilogic’s Security Strategist and Head of Product Marketing, Jade Catalano. Founded by a team of security industry vets, Anvilogic has helped ease legacy security systems into the future, enabling organizations to quickly detect, hunt, and respond to threats. This conversation covers the challenges of modernizing legacy security systems, how to manage an excess of data, a product demo, and more.

What is Data Security? - The Role of Analytics in Data Protection

Data security (or data protection) is a term often used in the context of analytics and business intelligence (BI). It encompasses a number of different policies, processes and technologies that protect an company's cyber assets against data breaches and threats. But what does all of that really mean, in relation to BI specifically?

Managing Kuma Tokens with HashiCorp Vault

Managing tokens in Kuma can be a challenging and manual process. Both the user and dataplane token lifetimes need to be manually tracked and managed. This ultimately becomes a burden for DevOps, and long life tokens end up being used. In this session, you will learn how to: Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads.