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Yellowfin Assisted Insights Walkthrough

Assisted Insights automatically delivers immediate answers, eliminating the need for users to sift through all their data for specific insights. Users only need to ask the question they want answered, and Yellowfin will locate the data, analyze it to find the most statistically relevant results, and present them in clear, best-practice visualizations and narratives.

How to Analyze Price Movements using Yellowfin Candlestick Charts

In this blog, the team at Yellowfin Japan demonstrates how to take advantage of Yellowfin's data visualization capability in the form of Yellowfin Candlestick charts, also called keystrokes, specialized for analyzing price movements of stocks and bonds. We will utilize these charts to analyze price movements of stocks. So, what is a Candlestick Chart, and what does it look like in Yellowfin? Blog Contents hide Candlestick Chart Overview and Analysis Examples What is a Candlestick?

Snowflake Summit 2023 Keynote: Generative AI's Impact on Data Innovation in the Enterprise

Nearly every enterprise is assessing the potential for Generative AI to better serve their users and customers. Join this CEO fireside chat with Jensen Huang from NVIDIA and Snowflake’s Frank Slootman as they discuss trends in Generative AI and accelerated computing, the pace of disruption, and the impact on every industry and business model. Sarah Guo, former Greylock general partner and current founder and CEO of Conviction, moderates.

Snowflake Summit 2023 Panel Discussion: Predictions on Generative AI and LLMs in the Enterprise

In the fast-changing world of generative AI and large language models (LLMs), it can be especially challenging to sift through the buzz and prioritize which use cases will have the biggest impact on your business. Join Christian Kleinerman, SVP Product at Snowflake, for a moderated discussion with some of the leaders in this space as they share their perspectives, predictions, and thoughts on what enterprises should consider when adopting this technology.

HDFS Snapshot Best Practices

The snapshots feature of the Apache Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) enables you to capture point-in-time copies of the file system and protect your important data against corruption, user-, or application errors. This feature is available in all versions of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) and Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP).

Why stakeholders are key for prioritizing data workflows

Prioritization is a difficult but vital skill for any data leader. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel discusses how he focuses on broad coverage of tasks, involving more team members to build stronger relationships, better understand workflows, and leverage stakeholder input to ensure needs are addressed effectively.

A better way for data leaders to approach generative AI

Generative AI is far more than a passing fad. But it’s still far from flawless. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel emphasizes the importance of having a strong data infrastructure and system in place before integrating AI tools, so they can bring value to data leaders as a multiplier rather than a crutch.

How Marketers Can Leverage Generative AI for Creative Breakthroughs, Scalability, and Speed

The conversation around generative AI naturally veers toward productivity, but people overlook this one, salient benefit: jumpstarting creativity. The best marketing combines data insights and creativity—and that’s where one of the many generative AI opportunities is for marketers.