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A buyers guide to choosing the most suitable data observability platform

A lot has been written about data observability by authors, analysts, and vendors over the past few years as it is becoming an increasingly important component of organizations' data architectures. This blog will examine why organizations need data observability and how they should approach the buying experience/cycle.

Top 5 Microsoft SQL ETL Tools for Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single, unified destination. An ETL tool can help streamline this process, as it automatically extracts data from various sources, transforms it, and loads it into a target warehouse. By using an ETL tool, organizations reduce the cost and complexity of data integration, improve data accuracy, and ensure data security and privacy.

The 19 Best AI Use Cases in 2023

The recent advances in deep learning neural networks are pushing beyond what we thought AI technology could do. Heck, with DALL-E 2 winning art competitions and ChatGPT passing anything from New York’s Bar exam to Advanced Sommelier exams, modern AI technology is performing better than the average Joe. Which begs the question: How can AI solutions be used to improve business outcomes?

North Labs: Automating processes and saving 10+ hours per week

North Labs is an end-to-end data consultancy enabling business transformation in the areas of DevSecOps, Data Engineering, and Cloud. The team serves highly regulated industries with their mission-critical digital implementations, while simultaneously safeguarding data and ensuring compliance. We talked to Daniel Rothamel, Cloud Data Delivery Engineer at North Labs, to better understand how the joint solution of Snowflake, Keboola, and North Labs helps their customers to get more value from their data.