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4 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade to Hubble Enterprise

Your team needs the latest, cutting-edge upgrades for reporting so they can communicate and collaborate via a central platform. How can you ensure they are enabled to access the real-time data and build the reports they need? Keep reading to see some benefits that upgrading to Hubble Enterprise can provide. Hubble Enterprise allows existing Hubble customers to achieve their business goals with easy, immediate access to business-critical data.

How to optimize your cloud data costs: 4 steps to reduce cloud data platform costs

If you have managed a cloud data platform, you have undoubtedly gotten that call. You know the one, it's usually from finance or the office of the CFO, inquiring about your monthly spend. And it usually comes in one of two forms: While both are clear and present dangers to cloud data platform owners, they don’t have to be.

Consumer GPUs vs Datacenter GPUs for CV: The Surprising Cost-Effective Winner

We recently rolled out our very own GPU autoscaler in Collaboration with Genesis Cloud and it has been quite a success. Also recently, YOLOv8 by Ultralytics was unveiled, the new king of object detection, segmentation and classification. In this blogpost we’ll see that you can train a computer vision model using the ClearML/Genesis Cloud autoscaler at a fraction of the cost of competing cloud services like AWS or GCP. And it even runs 100% off of green energy! 😎

Iceberg Tables: Catalog Support Now Available

As announced at Snowflake Summit 2022, Iceberg Tables combines unique Snowflake capabilities with Apache Iceberg and Apache Parquet open source projects to support your architecture of choice. As part of the latest Iceberg release, we’ve added catalog support to the Iceberg project to ensure that engines outside of Snowflake can interoperate with Iceberg Tables.

ThoughtSpot for Google Cloud Platform

ThoughtSpot is partnering with Google Cloud to expand self-service analytics capabilities beyond the dashboards! Now you can use AI-powered search to query Google BigQuery in real-time, access the Looker semantic layer to obtain reliable and standardized data models, and close the productivity loop with ThoughtSpot plugins for Google Sheets, Connected Sheets, and Slides.