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Understanding the Necessity of ETL in Data Integration

In today's data-driven world, businesses are constantly generating vast amounts of data, which can provide valuable insights into their operations and customers. However, before data can be analyzed and used for decision-making, it often needs to be cleaned, transformed, and organized in a way that makes it usable. This is where ETL comes in.

Data Fabric Architecture: 3 Essential Facts on What's Unique

Data fabric might seem like yet another data management technological innovation you have to learn about—but this one is different from the rest. While technology continues to evolve, the data problems that enterprises face are in many cases getting worse over time: data, data, and more data is permeating the business.

Putting Data FinOps into practice

A new approach to taming cloud data costs Data management services are the fastest-growing category of cloud service spending, representing approximately 40% of the total cloud bill. 80% of data management professionals report difficulty accurately forecasting data-related cloud costs. In this session, you will learn how FinOps enabled a consistent view between executives, finance, business, and engineering teams, a comparison of FinOps for DevOps and for DataOps teams, and how AI is enabling new levels of efficiency for modern data stacks with DataFinOps.

Jet Analytics: A complete data preparation, modeling, and automation solution

Jet Analytics is a complete data preparation, automation and modeling solution that is 5 times faster than hand coded solutions and can be managed in-house. It adapts quickly to changing business needs, to ensure you always have consistent, timely, accurate data that you can trust, making it easy to deploy your front-end visualization tool (Power BI, for example) or reporting tool of choice.

Consumer GPUs vs Datacenter GPUs for CV: The Surprising Cost-Effective Winner

We recently rolled out our very own GPU autoscaler in Collaboration with Genesis Cloud and it has been quite a success. Also recently, YOLOv8 by Ultralytics was unveiled, the new king of object detection, segmentation and classification. In this blogpost we’ll see that you can train a computer vision model using the ClearML/Genesis Cloud autoscaler at a fraction of the cost of competing cloud services like AWS or GCP. And it even runs 100% off of green energy! 😎

Iceberg Tables: Catalog Support Now Available

As announced at Snowflake Summit 2022, Iceberg Tables combines unique Snowflake capabilities with Apache Iceberg and Apache Parquet open source projects to support your architecture of choice. As part of the latest Iceberg release, we’ve added catalog support to the Iceberg project to ensure that engines outside of Snowflake can interoperate with Iceberg Tables.