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G2 Spring Reports 2023: Keboola leads the way once again

Keboola has once again taken first place in multiple categories, as announced by the world’s leading software peer-to-peer review marketplace, G2. As a data stack as a service, Keboola has one core goal - to make data accessible across all departments in your business. We want to empower teams everywhere to use data and build data products effortlessly, regardless of their technical background. Keboola’s success in the G2 Spring Report is gratifying proof that our users continue to love us.

Use AI to train AI: prompt learning using OpenAI API and ClearML

Making a Question Answering (QA) bot that can cite your own documentation and help channels is now possible thanks to chatGPT and Langchain, an open-source tool that cleverly uses chatGPT but doesn’t require retraining it. But it’s a far cry from “out of the box.” One example is that you have to get the prompt just right. To get an LLM (large language model) to do exactly what you want, your instructions will have to be very clear, so what if we automate that too?

How Spreadsheet Server Can Help Viewpoint Customers Optimize Their Reporting

If you work in a finance team within a construction business, it’s likely your main goals are to reduce risk, improve profitability, and maintain exceptional levels of compliance. To achieve success, you need direct access to accurate data from your ERP and the ability to quickly create drillable Excel reports for GL and other finance requirements.

Qlik's New Capacity Model - Easing Adoption Burdens While Putting Data's Value Front and Center

For years data and analytics buyers have been managing a difficult set of tradeoffs. They know they need to invest in solutions to drive their businesses and data strategies forward. In fact, every third-party survey shows they plan to do so well into the future. However, customers have struggled in how to balance cost and value, and getting a clear answer isn’t always obvious or easy.

Industry Impact | The Hybrid Data Platform for Insurance

In the age of connected everything, insurers face new challenges and opportunities as they strive to deliver personalized insurance coverage while minimizing costs and preventing fraud. With the Cloudera Data Platform, insurers can unlock the power of real-time data and analytics to make insurance more precise, more personalized, and more profitable. By building a 360-view of each customer, streamlining claims and services, and unlocking usage-based insurance with IoT sensor data, insurers can manage risks and create opportunities to transform for today and stay ahead tomorrow.