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4 Reasons Why Visibility is Crucial in Lifecycle Management

Within application lifecycle management, one of the most significant challenges for practitioners and managers alike is visibility. More specifically, the lack of real-time visibility at any given moment of development. With a comprehensive lifecycle management tool like Helix ALM, your entire team can enjoy clear visibility throughout the lifecycle of your product. Here are four reasons why visibility is crucial for success in lifecycle management.

Hardware Design Best Practices

Hardware design typically entails teams of many designers with a wide range of disciplines. Each of these designers manage a different aspect of the project, maybe with different workflows, and generate a large amount of diverse data. Data management tools like Helix Core manage a substantial portion of this data. In this blog, find out how these tools are best used with an IP lifecycle management platform like Methodics IPLM to solve the unique challenges for hardware design projects.

Creating a System BoM For Software Development

When working on electronic products, many organizations divide their projects between hardware and software teams working in parallel. This is because these engineering teams have distinct methodologies to how they design, document, and communicate their changes to the design. This approach, however, can lead to costly issues, which is where a system-level bill of materials (system BoM) is critical for bringing hardware and software teams together.