Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Snowflake Horizon Demo for Data Governors And Stewards

Ravi Kumar, Senior Partner Sales Engineer at Snowflake, shows you how to govern and discover data, apps, and more in Snowflake Horizon. In this demo targeted at data governors and stewards, learn and try the core capabilities of Snowflake Horizon such as classifying and tagging sensitive data, visualizing lineage, monitoring data quality, and applying granular policies.

How to Calculate Log Analytics ROI

Calculating log analytics ROI is often complicated. For many teams, this technology can be a cost center. Depending on your platform, the cost of a log management solution can quickly add up. For example, many organizations use solutions like the ELK stack because the initial startup costs are low. Yet, over time, costs can creep up for many reasons, including the volume of data collected and ingested per day, required retention periods, and the associated personnel needed to manage the deployment.

Elevate Insights: How Embedded Analytics Boost Decision Intelligence

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate. In today’s data-driven world, application and development teams are facing a growing demand to empower their users with greater decision intelligence. This means equipping users with the tools and insights they need to make informed choices.

#RootCauseAnalysis in #SoftwareTesting | Importance of RCA & Why Do You Need It? | Craig Risi

In this session, Craig Risi explores the importance of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in software testing. He shares what RCA is and why it's essential for identifying and addressing underlying issues in your testing process. Learn effective strategies for conducting RCA triage, implementing adequate mitigations, and classifying root causes to improve your testing outcomes.

[Webinar] Advance Your Test Automation Skills with Katalon Certifications

Over the past year, the Katalon Certification Program has been a game-changer for QA professionals worldwide to advance their test automation skills and unlock new opportunities. Thousands have harnessed its power to gain hands-on experience, validate their expertise, and use the Katalon Platform effectively for daily operations. In this webinar, we will discuss how you can leverage the Katalon Certification Program to accelerate your success in test automation.