Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


How to Build an API on AWS

AWS is the largest cloud provider and with that it there can be challenges to build an API on AWS when trying to securely expose data. The most notable way to expose this data is by hand-coding an API to interact with the various AWS systems. This might be an acceptable way to approach the problem but with recent developments with AI and other low-code/no-code tools, developers are expected to do more with less.

Integration Vs E2e Testing: What Worked For Me As A Charm

When it comes to testing software applications, various testing techniques can be employed. Three common testing methods are unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end testing. All these different kinds of testing overlap, so you just can’t implement one or two forms of testing and you will be good. Like if you are in the initial stage of development you can write a few unit tests which a developer can run once he makes changes to a function.

Cloud Kafka Resiliency and Fault Tolerance | Data Streaming Systems

Learn how to manage cloud volatility when running applications on Confluent Cloud. Understand how to optimally configure Kafka client for resilient cloud operations and explore error handling patterns in Kafka Streams. Leverage concepts like idempotent producers and consumers, and exactly one processing semantics.

Revolutionizing Mobile Development: Unveiling the Future of Mobile DevOps

Join us for a 1-hour webinar as hosts Daniel and Viktor, two of Bitrises' Co-founders, delve into the dynamic world of Mobile DevOps and its transformative impact on the mobile development landscape. With their extensive experience as CSO and CTO respectively, Dani and Viktor will share their visionary insights on how to reshape your mobile development strategies for unprecedented success. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

100+ Test Cases For Search Functionality You Should Know

Search functionality is an interesting but complex area when it comes to testing. A search functionality is by definition a search engine, which deals with vast amounts of data and an underlying search algorithm built on complex statistical models. That’s not to mention the ever-increasing user expectations for the search feature to understand nuances in human language, capable of handling misspellings, synonyms, and natural language queries.

Harnessing Error Reporting | Sauce Labs

This webinar explores how error reporting can transform your software development processes, resulting in higher quality software at an accelerated pace. We address the challenges of obtaining unified insights, error reporting, and effectively prioritizing application errors. You will learn how monitoring, capturing, and obtaining actionable signals for crashes and errors empower you to ship code swiftly and efficiently, promptly addressing bugs found in production. Explore how error reporting can empower you to capture, prioritize, and resolve errors across all environments, guaranteeing superior software quality at an accelerated speed.

How Euromedia Increased Sales Growth by 12% With Data

Euromedia CZ is one of the biggest players in the Czech book market that runs three businesses in one: The book market in which Euromedia operates is notoriously challenging, not only because of its niche nature, but also because of the wild economic trends during Covid lockdowns. Post-Covid Europe and Russia's war in Ukraine have both had a huge impact on consumer demand.

An Introduction to LiteStack for Ruby on Rails

In this series of posts, we will look at LiteStack, a one-stop-shop solution that hosts and processes all your production data on a single machine. LiteStack (as the name suggests) makes use of SQLite to provide: In this first post, we'll introduce the basics of LiteStack and set up an example Rails application. Let's begin!