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Web Accessibility & Automated Testing w/Ghost Inspector for GAAD 2021

May 20th, 2021 marks the 10th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). According to the team at GAAD an estimate 1 billion people worldwide have disabilities, common disabilities include hearing, cognitive, visual, and motor. The web is an essential resource in many aspects of life. It's important that we provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with diverse abilities. Access to information and communications technologies (including websites and web apps) is defined as a basic human right in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Introducing the New Rollbar Integration for GitHub Enterprise Server

We’re excited to launch our new integration with GitHub that supports GitHub Enterprise Server customers. This allows companies using GitHub Enterprise on their own domains to access key features in Rollbar that help developers fix errors faster. GitHub Enterprise offers a fully integrated development platform for organizations to accelerate software innovation and secure delivery. With Rollbar, GitHub Enterprise Server customers can now access.

How We Prepare And Perform Load Tests

Load testing may seem like a simple task that anyone should be able to do on their own. You just have to be ready for the worst – service crashing completely. But in practice it is almost never that simple, especially with larger projects that are in more mature development stages, projects with many customers or business processes that require more bureaucracy to communicate between parties involved. Engineers from Loadero team have created load tests for different kinds of applications.

Comparison between Testsigma and Protractor alternatives

You might already know that Google is going to stop the development of Protractor soon. Here, in this article, we will discuss what is protractor, why it was used, why it is being discontinued, and what are some of its alternatives that you can use now. So, without further ado, let’s begin.