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Why Organizations Should View APIs As Products

The application programming interface (API) is a piece of middleware technology that helps programs talk to each other and improves business workflows. Previous schools of thought categorized APIs as a tool to be kept within the business however recent innovations with APIs show the technology is capable of doing so much more. Thanks to API innovations and evangelists, we’re now on the verge of a new API golden age where businesses rise and fall by the strength of their integrations.

How do APIs Help Integrate Your Organization?

Whether you’re adding to your app ecosystem or working on a full digital transformation business strategy, your aim is a smooth enterprise integration process. But when you’re working with multiple programming languages, brands, or operating systems, it can get complicated quickly. API integration is now critical to business functionality in an increasingly technical world. It’s the best way to avoid compatibility issues with all your apps and opens the door for future implementations.

What is Streaming Analytics?

What is Streaming Analytics? Streaming Analytics is a type of data analysis that processes data streams for real-time analytics. It continuously processes data from multiple streams and performs simple calculations to complex event processing for delivering sophisticated use cases. The primary purpose is to present the most up-to-date operational events for the user to stay on top of the business needs and take action as changes happen in real-time.

Biba Helou of Capital One Asks 'What's In Your Data Cloud?' | Rise of The Data Cloud | Snowflake

On this episode of the Rise of the Data Cloud podcast, host Steve Hamm sits with Biba Helou, Senior Vice President of Enterprise Data at Capital One, and they talk about the agility the cloud provides, how data can help personalize customer's experiences, and much more. Connect with Biba Helou Inside the Data Cloud, organizations unite their siloed data, discover, and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads across multiple clouds.

Create and Run Jobs with a Cypress Test in Github Actions

In this video, you will learn to set up two simple jobs with GitHub Actions and Saucectl to create a pipeline that builds and tests an example web app, as well as runs a test on Sauce Labs' virtual machines using Testrunner Toolkit and Sauce Control. Starting from a project set up in a previous tutorial, learn to add jobs to a github workflow .yml file. Use Actions to start a Sauce Connect Proxy Tunnel, install saucectl, and use it to run an automated test using Cypress.