Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Chartio and Xplenty: Business Intelligence for Smart Companies

We're living in a data-driven age. In every sector, we've seen new companies emerge, executing lightning-fast strategies based on sophisticated analytics. These data mavericks have disrupted and sometimes even devoured their more traditional rivals. To stay afloat, you need a state-of-the-art data infrastructure. That means having the right platforms, the right data pipelines, and the right analytics engines. But when you have all that data, what do you actually do with it?

Covid Data: An anomalous blip, or the new normal?

COVID-19 has forced virtually every industry to embrace an acceleration in digital capabilities. While it can be argued that digital transformation was already underway; it’s hard to dispute that it has accelerated in recent months. A recent McKinsey survey, cited in CRN, shows that worldwide, 58 percent of customer interactions were digital as of July 2020.

3x better performance with CDP Data Warehouse compared to EMR in TPC-DS benchmark

In a previous blog post on CDW performance, we compared Azure HDInsight to CDW. In this blog post, we compare Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) on Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) using Apache Hive-LLAP to EMR 6.0 (also powered by Apache Hive-LLAP) on Amazon using the TPC-DS 2.9 benchmark. Amazon recently announced their latest EMR version 6.1.0 with support for ACID transactions. This benchmark is run on EMR version 6.0 as we couldn’t get queries to run successfully on version 6.1.0.

Data Lake Export Public Preview Is Now Available on Snowflake

Public preview of the data lake export feature is now available. Snowflake announced a private preview of data lake export at the Snowflake virtual summit in June 2020. Data lake export is one of the key features of the data lake workload in the Snowflake Data Cloud. The feature makes Snowflake data accessible to the external data lake, and it enables customers to take advantage of Snowflake’s reliable and performant processing capabilities.

10X Engineering Leadership Series: 21 Playbooks to Lead in the Online Era

Managing online teams has become the new normal! In an online world, how do you give effective feedback, have a difficult conversation, increase team accountability, communicate to stakeholders effectively, and so on? At Unravel, we are a fast-growing AI startup with a globally distributed engineering team across the US, EMEA, and India. Even before the pandemic this year, the global nature of our team has prepared us for effectively leading outcomes across online engineering teams.

Structured vs Unstructured Data: A Short Guide

Data is the oil that fuels the growth of modern enterprises. But unless you have the tools to unlock the potential of data, you might be left stuck on the tracks as your competitors speed ahead. With the rise of Big Data, the nature of the data that we work with has changed drastically. Data scientists like to refer to the ‘3 Vs’ of Big Data: The 3 Vs of Big Data reshaped the data landscape as we knew it.

Modernizing Data in a Cloud-Enabled World | Part 2 | Snowflake Inc.

Deloitte's partnership with Snowflake showcases how Snowflake's new Cloud Platform modernization of data helps companies migrate information & innovate within the Cloud. Frank Farrall, AI Ecosystems & Snowflake Alliance Leader at Deloitte, details how his organization uses Snowflake's cloud technology & artificial intelligence to problem solve and innovate quickly. Rise of the Data Cloud is brought to you by Snowflake.

From Zero to Hero: A Roadmap for Automating the Dev Lifecycle Across Any Environment with GitOps

Organizations that embrace GitOps are able to develop and automate their end-to-end software development lifecycle by combining the power of Git, CI/CD and Kubernetes. However the path to get there can be rocky: operating in a multi-cloud environment, working with hybrid microservice and monolith APIs, helping teams discover and publish APIs to use, and moving legacy services to Kubernetes pose no shortage of organizational and technical challenges.

How to add Bugfender to an Android Project

Adding Bugfender to an Android project is a two-minutes task that can save you hours of debugging in production. In this video we review the whole process from scratch. We start creating an Android app with Android Studio. Then we add Bugfender with Gradle and finally we configure a new App in the Bugfender's Dashboard. We use the last minutes to explain how the different logs work in Bugfender so you can get the most from the first minute.