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How and Why to Migrate from Kong Open Source to Kong Konnect

Kong Konnect is a powerful SaaS-based API lifecycle management platform that provides a fast path for people looking to get started with Kong API Gateway. For existing users of Kong’s open-source gateway, it offers a way to rapidly take advantage of a scalable, highly-available architecture while upgrading to an Enterprise-class feature set and support options.

How AI Document Processing Works: 4 Key Steps

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) bring significant efficiency gains to organizations and should play critical roles in any digital transformation efforts. One major use case for these technologies is AI document processing, also known as intelligent document processing (IDP). Organizations amass a large number of business documents—from invoices in billing departments to medical coding documents at hospitals.

Automated Release Management: Streamlining iOS App Releases

Our open beta Release Management add-on is now live and centralizes and automates the iOS app release process. Release Management offers a graphical user interface to simplify deployment and automate testing, providing team members and stakeholders with a streamlined way to stay informed about the status of releases. The feature is currently free for all Bitrise users.

Monitoring and optimizing your slowest mobile builds: What, why and how to track

Slow mobile builds can significantly increase wait time during the development process, leading to context switching and reduced productivity. Multiple builds may be required during a pull request review, and slow builds can further prolong the process, particularly if the build fails and needs to be repeated. Read more on how to reduce wait time and improve efficiency throughout the development process with Bitrise Insights.

Mastering Mobile App Development Architectures: Your Ultimate Guide

We all remember Snake, right? That game you played on your flip-phone to while away those hours on the train or tube, attempting to stop a digital serpent from eating its own tail. Well Snake is actually part of digital history. It was the first mobile app ever released way back in 1997, the founding fathers of today’s web3 marvels with their AI, VR and machine learning.

How to Integrate ChatGPT into Your Python Script

Want to add some cutting-edge AI magic to your code? That's right, we're talking about integrating ChatGPT - the powerhouse of large language models - into your Python scripts. With ChatGPT, your code will be able to understand natural language and generate human-like responses, revolutionizing the way users interact with your applications.

APISecOps Tutorial: Delivering APIs Securely Together with Kong Konnect and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Red Hat OpenShift is the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that runs ubiquitously across on-prem, and the cloud. With Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), a managed Red Hat OpenShift platform that runs natively on AWS, it is even easier to get kick-started on an enterprise-ready instance of Red Hat OpenShift in the cloud. Kong similarly distinguishes itself as a multi-platform, multi-cloud API Management solution pushing the vision of APIs.

Computer Vision 101: What It Is and Why It Matters

10 years ago, it would be ridiculous for people to believe that someday they would be able to use their faces to unlock their phones. That’s because it had been extremely difficult to create cartoon characters without profound drawing skills – but now we can easily turn photos into cartoon characters. Struggling with parallel parking? No worries, because self-parking systems are becoming standard equipment in vehicles.