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Taming Cloud Costs for Data Analytics with FinOps

Uncontrolled cloud costs pose an enormous risk for any organization. The longer these costs go ungoverned, the greater your risk. Volatile, unforeseen expenses eat into profits. Budgets become unstable. Waste and inefficiency go unchecked. Making strategic decisions becomes difficult, if not impossible. Uncertainty reigns.

Moderna's Nathaniel Reynolds on Service Mesh, Open Source, and AI for Developers

In this post, Nathaniel Reynolds, Associate Director of Informatics Architecture & DevOps at Moderna Therapeutics, talks about service mesh, removing limitations with open source, and how AI helps developers do more. No one can predict the future, but here’s a safe bet: in the next five to ten years, we aren’t going to have fewer applications. We’re going to have more. And that means connectivity requirements are going to get bigger and bigger over time.

Benefits of a Public Cloud vs Private Cloud & Dedicated Devices

Most software projects leverage synthetic tests to verify functionality early on, but physical devices are the ultimate form of quality assurance. While a few smartphones may suffice early on, a growing user base means quality assurance teams must ensure support for a broad range of devices, operating systems, and browsers with public or private device clouds. Device clouds make it easier to manage devices and run automated tests from anywhere.

Build log grouping: Introducing a new and improved build log feature for mobile app developers

Build log grouping is a new feature that streamlines the build log process, making it easier to understand why a build failed and at which Step the failure occurred. Read how build logs are now grouped by steps, and how we improved our error message display.