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5 ways we make sure your data is safe on Bitrise - compliance, access control, encryption, and more

Some of the world's most security-conscious companies rely on Bitrise to build safely. This article is a summary of the most important security-related measures we take to make sure your sensitive data is always protected.

SwiftUI 4.0: New and updated APIs with code examples

Since Apple started using SwiftUI in its operating systems, it has been experiencing a noticeable evolution, from redesigns of apps to deep system integrations. The team behind SwiftUI has taken into account the feedback they got on Twitter and other social networking sites, resulting in some fantastic APIs to work and play with this year! Here’s a quote from the session on “What’s new in SwiftUI”: So, let’s dive into everything that SwiftUI 4.0 has to offer you!

Why delivery lead time matters in mobile development and how to improve it

Lead time is a crucial metric in software development; it measures the time between the allocation of the work through code commit and finally to production. For us, lead time is essentially the time from backlog to the app store, or from production to the app store.

Big Data and AI Blame Failures on Bad Data

Guest post by Bill Inmon “Bill Inmon is an American computer scientist, recognized by many as the father of the data warehouse. Inmon wrote the first book, held the first conference, wrote the first column in a magazine, and was the first to offer classes in data warehousing.” Source: Wikipedia. An article headline — “BIG DATA/AI BLAME FAILURES ON BAD DATA” — caught my attention.

WSO2 Launches WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud to Deliver Best-in-Class CIAM Support for Both B2B and B2C Demands

WSO2 also delivers stronger analytics, typing biometric authentication, multi-attribute login, and added device support with today's releases of WSO2 Identity Server 6.0 and WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud.

How to extend Kafka pipelines to users over the public internet

In the realms of event streaming, Kafka has become the number one choice for many organizations. It’s capable of handling and processing vast amounts of critical, time-sensitive event data. But Kafka isn’t designed for distributing data between internal systems and consumers on the public internet. Yet rich, live digital experiences are a must-have as far as users are concerned. They are increasingly becoming a key source of differentiation. In this webinar we will show you how you can harness the power of Kafka, to deliver engaging realtime application to users, using Ably.