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Ensure Seamless Audio-Visual Quality for iOS Apps with Sauce Labs

With the latest manual testing feature from Sauce Labs, you can test your native iOS application’s audio output and video streaming quality to ensure a seamless customer experience. Game development studios, media companies, educational institutions, and entertainment platforms all rely on their app’s audio and streaming capabilities to evoke powerful and engaging experiences for their customers.

What is Unit Testing, and How Does It Work?

If you’re a software engineer, chances are you’ve encountered the term “unit testing” at some point in your career. But what exactly is unit testing, and how does it work? You’ve written a few lines of code and want to ensure they work as expected. So you run the code, and boom, it all falls apart. In the digital age, broken code can mean lost money, frustrated users, and a lot of wasted time. That’s where unit testing comes in.

Hitachi Vantara: A Clear Vision for IIoT

Remember way back around 2016, when “IoT” was just entering the lexicon? The technology behind the “Internet of things” was starting to be used across industries. In the energy space, for example, companies used it to capture data being sent from tens of thousands of sensors from various equipment, like inverters, controllers, anemometers (wind speed detectors), cloud-watching cameras, and more.

A Detailed Overview on Cloud Testing: Benefits, Types and Tools

Cloud testing is an increasingly popular way of testing applications due to its lower maintenance costs compared to on-premises testing. It utilizes cloud-based tools to simulate real-world traffic and measure performance, scalability, security, and reliability. Through this article, let’s uncover the basics of cloud-based testing, including its types, benefits, and tools. Table Of Contents.

Best Android Emulator for Linux - 2023 Edition

On 25th August 1991, a computer-science student in Finland posted the following message on a Usenet newsgroup: “I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).

Cloud Object Storage-based Architectures are Natively Scalable and Available

There is a long history of clustering architectures with respect to building distributed databases for two primary reasons. The first is scalability. If a cluster of nodes has reached its capacity to perform work, adding additional nodes are introduced to handle the increased load. The second is availability. The ability to ensure that if a node fails, let’s say during ingestion and/or querying, remaining nodes would continue to execute due to state replication.

Effective mobile testing strategy to help streamline testing

Today's smartphones are far more than a device used for calling or texting. With several apps installed, they can become your virtual personal assistant. In a mobile-centric digital world, delivering an immersive mobile experience with consistent quality is a real challenge, where QA strategy plays a critical role. Carefully planning out what should be executed is the first important step to delivering fully-functional applications, gaining high retention rates and achieving business goals.

A Complete Guide on Beta Testing Apps

When creating iOS or Android apps, you go through the beta testing stage, often done after alpha testing. Consider this a soft launch for your app, allowing your beta testers to try it and provide feedback on what needs improving and what you can remove. Beta testing apps gain real-world experience and learn how your app will operate when used by actual people.