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The top 7 Best PractiTest Alternatives [In-depth Comparison]

The platform for a centralized solution for all testing efforts, PractiTest, is well known amongst many agile teams. Although nowadays, several features within this tool, which was once well reputed for testing effectively, have been claimed to be absent or contain various issues. For such reasons, QA engineers are looking ceaseless for the top PractiTest alternatives, and this article will mention some of the best ones! Table Of Contents.

Updates from Bugfender, Q2 2022

We are pleased to say that Bugfender is now officially ISO 27001 certified: our code is developed following Secure Development Life Cycle, the code is reviewed manually and using automated tools, and we perform penetration tests, following the industry’s best practices. We have an incident response process, we perform employee background checks, training, supplier vetting, etc.

How to inspect elements in mac

An integral part of a web designer, a web developer, and a web tester’s work revolves around testing elements on the web application. For someone unaware of the inspector’s strengths, the first thing that would come to your mind to initiate testing is sharing the code. But the next thing you know, you are restricted from doing such a task as the source is confidential and should not be shared with people other than those related to the development team of the same project.

Easily trouble shoot long-running Steps with Build Insights

Build Insights is a monitoring tool that provides you a convenient means to check in on your build performance and track accompanying metrics. With a quick scan, you can see how all your apps and workflows are doing. If something doesn't look right, drill in for more details to understand where the problem is on app, Workflow, and Step level. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

Choosing the best cloud provider for you - Between 2 bits ep. 04

So you’re thinking about moving to the cloud, but not sure where to start? In this episode, our hosts explore the most important things to consider when moving to the cloud (or migrating to a new cloud). From what to look for in a cloud provider to whether to choose a multi-cloud solution to the benefits of cloud vs on-premises, you won’t want to miss this episode.

We Tried 10 Best Headspin Alternatives [in-Depth Comparison 2022]

An automated testing tool is a must-have tool for every developer. Without making the web and mobile apps go through automated tests, you can never be sure how optimized they actually are. Now, for checking the web and mobile applications on different real mobile devices and multiple browsers, Headspin is a typical pick for many. But what if we told you that you have nothing to worry about if you do not have access to Headspin?

Top 5 Playwright Alternatives | Which One Is Right For You?

Playwright is a software testing platform designed to permit reliable and quick cross-browser web automation. This ever-green automation software has been winning the hearts of developers for its competence in automated testing and execution of parallel testing. However, this test automation software comes with a lot of disadvantages that can turn out to be major disappointments for software testers.

Cross Platform End To End Testing (E2E) Feature by Testsigma

In modern apps, user journeys span several devices. For e.g., the user books a flight on a travel site and then later cancels it on the mobile app. How do you test cross-platform E2E scenarios, but not individually? We'll demonstrate a simple method combining multi-device test flows into one user journey.