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Top 20 Websites For Online Automation Testing Courses and Certifications

Certifications, typically, are proof of the enhanced prowess in the stream for which the course has been taken. Certifications and Courses help validate as well as enhance our technical capability in a specific vertical. There are hundreds of tools through which the automation code can be written in different programming languages. A lot of these tools also need a fair amount of time to be invested in learning courses and doing certifications.

Why Your Performance Test Execution Strategy Is Important

When we consider performance testing most of the focus of the approach is placed on the script creation activity and making sure that requirements are covered, these are very important parts of your performance testing approach but so is the Test Execution. The frequency at which you run your tests is important and can save you time and effort in your script maintenance. A good performance testing execution strategy gives you the maximum amount of benefit it can by finding performance issues early.

The Future is Here: How AI is Solving UI Test Automation Problems Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just a buzzword - businesses across all industries are leveraging the technology today to solve a wide range of problems. Even test automation tools are benefiting from AI, from AI-powered visual recognition and intelligent test recommendations, to risk profiling and bug hunting. At every step in the QA cycle, we see AI infusing itself to accelerate test creation, maintenance and execution.

Software Testing Trends 2019 Recap | Industry Insights

2019 is almost over. The software testing landscape has seen numerous introductions in new testing approaches and innovations at an exponential rate. It has also witnessed the continuation of technological improvement, evolution, and reinvention. As we are progressing to 2020, let’s take a retrospective look at the top trends in test automation and see how we stand after one year.

Using TestCafe for End to End Testing

TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing. End to End tests cover real journeys that your customers do, they are slower to execute but can be much more valuable comparing to unit and integration tests. TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing and functional testing. TestCafe uses a URL-rewriting proxy called Hammerhead that emulates commands using the DOM API and injects JavaScript into the browser.

Katalon Smart Wait: A New Way to Handle Web Loading Issues

For those who are familiar with Selenium WebDriver, one of the most common features is the Wait command. These commands are handy in test scripts execution, or observing and troubleshooting issues that arise due to time lag. Wait commands are powerful — but they also come along with a big problem with timing due to front-end processing. Starting from version 7.0.0, we have introduced the Smart Wait feature that helps you handle Selenium wait issues without any additional test scripts.

Run a Perfect Bug Hunting Event in DevOps - Szilard Szell | SmartBear Talks

Szilard Szell, DevOps and Test Automation Expert, is sharing how to excel in exploratory testing and make bug hunting events a crucial part of the team life and where this concept fits into Scaled Agile Framework and DevOps. Watch the interview with Szilard and share your experience after doing bug hunting in comments.