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Bridge the gap in your OSS by adding an AI brain on top

Telecom companies monitor their network using a variety of monitoring tools. There are separate fault management and performance management platforms for different areas of the network (core, RAN, etc.), and infrastructure is monitored separately. Although these solutions monitor network functions and logic – something that would seem to make sense — in practice this strategy fails to produce accurate and effective monitoring or reduce time to detection of service experience issues.

Stacking up against the Competition

One of the most leading questions we often receive is, “How does ClearML Compare to..”. I am sure this is the same for any Open Source product. People always want to find the best. The sad truth is, of course, there usually is no “right answer”. What one person needs, another may not. I am sure that, whichever language you speak natively, there is some saying. In English it would be “one mans rubbish, is another mans gold”.

The Real World AI Experiment

Few people can understand the difference between theory and practice more clearly than a chess Grandmaster. Our little 64-square laboratory has space for centuries of ideas. With more moves than atoms in the solar system, my ancient boardgame has limitless complexity for the human mind—and was even enough to stump the world’s fastest computers for decades.

Transform your business with cloud, search, and AI-driven analytics

Despite huge investments in data and analytics over the last two decades, many companies are still struggling with how to become truly data-driven. What are data leaders doing at the organizations that have figured it out? In this white paper, DATAcated Academy's Kate Strachnyi explores four key strategies for critically evaluating your entire data and analytics stack and systematically removing the barriers that exist between their business users and business-critical insights.

Six Top Trends and Predictions for Data, Analytics, and AI in 2021 And what to do about them

Although making predictions about the future is difficult even under the best of circumstances, it's never been more important for business leaders to focus, prioritize, and act in order to stay ahead of the technological curve-and the competition. The strategies you used to innovate and grow your business in the past will not be the same ones you use today. Rethinking how you use data to react and proactively adapt to change will be critical to your bottom line.

9 Popular WordPress Plugins Using AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is in the news a lot, and it’s hyped as a cure for all ills in the same breath it’s suspected of spelling doom for us all. What’s the truth behind all the noise? What does artificial intelligence do, seeing as it is simply everywhere. The truth of the matter is that whatever the would-be prophets say, artificial intelligence and machine learning is here, now, and has applications to your day-to-day.

AI Expert Joanna Bryson Dishes on Due Diligence and Rooting Out AI Bias, Part 2

How was that credit application declined? Why was that person denied parole? How were disability benefits cut for those constituents? And why do computers learning from humans automatically see certain occupational words as masculine and others as feminine? It’s hard to explain how the most advanced algorithms make decisions. But as predictive systems proliferate, there are signs we’ve become more wary of their use in making critical decisions.

AI Expert Joanna Bryson Dishes on Due Diligence and Rooting Out AI Bias

There’s a lot of hype out there about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s revolutionizing this or transforming that. But in this timely remix of a previously published post, AI expert Joanna Bryson (@j2bryson) calls out AI hyperbole and helps us cut through the smoke and mirrors on: Note: Bryson is Professor of Ethics and Technology at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin where she educates future technologists and policymakers on digital inclusion and AI governance.