
How Klearnow went from sleepless nights to a booming data business with ThoughtSpot

Sometimes I walk through the grocery store and marvel at the way customers float through the aisles, blissfully unaware of the logistical nightmare it probably took to stock the shelves. They have no idea how many people, systems, and modes of transportation it takes to make everything magically appear on their grocery shelves. But I do. As the Senior Director of Software Engineering at KlearNow, I spend my days preserving the bliss of those grocery shoppers.

How to Make Your Data Ethical with Jack Berkowitz at ADP | Rise Of The Data Cloud

Ever wonder how companies like ADP handle all of the data that they are responsible for? In this episode of Rise Of The Data Cloud, Jack Berkowitz, Chief Data Officer at ADP, talks about the importance of keeping your product simple, data sharing, applying ethics to algorithms, and much more.

What's New in CDP Public Cloud? Hive and Impala Get a Facelift

Join us LIVE to discuss what’s new in CDP Public Cloud! Don’t miss the live Q&A as we learn about the new capabilities in Cloudera Data Warehouse. See how the Impala and Hive engines get a facelift. Also watch a demo of how you can run advanced analytics at scale using few easy steps

How to Easily Apply Analytics to Product Development Management

The development of a digital product has been redefined to involve only 4 phases, as TCGen and Product Plan propose: However, having an easier-to-follow process is not the only improvement that you can implement: cost and time efficiency can be taken a huge step further when you incorporate analytics insights. So, with this infographic, we propose some tools that can help you analyze data sets to enrich the phases of each development process.

ThoughtSpot SpotApp for Snowflake Performance and Consumption Analytics

This SpotApp will have you up and running in minutes with search and AI-driven analytics from ThoughtSpot around your Snowflake Data Cloud performance and consumption. The SpotApp enables financial controllers to drill into credit consumption trends to proactively manage their cloud spend. And IT Ops teams will be able to dive into granular details about query performance to ensure that their data clouds are running at full speed.

What Are the Limitations of Dashboards?

For modern businesses faced with increasing volumes and complexity of data, it’s no longer efficient or feasible to rely on analyzing data in BI dashboards. Traditional dashboards are great at providing business leaders with insights into what’s happened in the past, but what if they need actionable information in real time? What if they want to use their data to estimate what may happen in the future? Companies are taking notice.

Speed Up Your Data Flow for Business Results

A slow car has never won a Formula One race. The Olympics doesn’t reward slow times in swimming, track or any other clock-timed sport. Likewise, slow data speeds don’t win over customers or colleagues in the real-time business world. Microsoft’s own research once reported that a person visiting a website on a connected device is likely to wait no more than 10 seconds to see it before moving to a competitor’s site.

Everything You Need to Know About API Integration

APIs are powerful for ETL (extract, transform, load) and data integration workflows. API integrations make it possible for the seamless exchange of information between websites, databases, and applications. The Xplenty API allows you and your enterprise to monitor Xplenty clusters and jobs. Through the Xplenty data processing package and Xplenty web application, you can call the Xplenty API to.

Relational vs non-relational database: Which one should you use?

Ever since E. F. Codd introduced the first relational model for storing data at IBM in 1970, the industry has picked up the database technology and used it for its competitive advantage. The relational database management system - or RDBMS - was the default technology for storing and accessing data for a long time. It supported transactional data storage, the building of data products, and was the go-to model for data that was used in data-driven decisioning.

Cloud Costs Through the Roof? Don't Worry - We've Got You Covered

Does it feel like your business is paying too much for cloud services? You are not alone. Cloud costs are expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 10.5% to 13.1% through 2025, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC). While getting a handle on those cloud costs may be tricky, you don’t have to worry — we’ve got you covered.