Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2023

Add authentication to Flutter apps with WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

WSO2 Identity ServerFlutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross-platform applications from a single codebase for multiple platforms. In this video, we will discuss how to authenticate your Flutter application with the WSO2 Identity Server.

IBM Technology Chooses Cloudera as its Preferred Partner for Addressing Real Time Data Movement Using Kafka

Organizations increasingly rely on streaming data sources not only to bring data into the enterprise but also to perform streaming analytics that accelerate the process of being able to get value from the data early in its lifecycle. As lakehouse architectures (including offerings from Cloudera and IBM) become the norm for data processing and building AI applications, a robust streaming service becomes a critical building block for modern data architectures.

Manual Mobile Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Smartphones literally dominate the world. There are 6.92 billion smartphone users in the world today, which is 85.88% of the world population. That figure is only 49.40% in 2016. Such ubiquity of smartphones demands mobile app developers to deliver high-quality applications at all times to remain competitive and relevant through effective mobile application testing.

Empower data with BigQuery & Looker

If you’re working with large amounts of data, and looking for guidance on how to build a data warehouse in Google Cloud using BigQuery- this new Jump Start Solution is for you! In this video, we’ll walk you through the Jump Start Solution that combines BigQuery as your data warehouse and Looker Studio as a dashboard and visualization tool.

An Introduction to Exceptions in Elixir

Exceptions are a core aspect of programming, and a way to signal when something goes wrong with a program. An exception could result from a simple error, or your program might crash because of underlying constraints. Exceptions are not necessarily bad, though — they are fundamental to any working application. Let’s see what our options are for handling exceptions in Elixir.

Top 8 Salesforce Middleware Integration Tools

Salesforce is among the leading CRM software platforms for collecting and leveraging user data to make smart sales, marketing, and customer support decisions. However, other software in your tech stack can benefit from such data. With the right Salesforce middleware, you can exchange data easily with your other critical tools.

What are REST endpoints that JOIN table data?

REST endpoints that join table data typically allow you to retrieve and combine information from multiple tables or data sources in a single API call. These endpoints enable complex queries and data aggregations, often using JOIN operations, to return a unified dataset, simplifying data retrieval and reducing the need for multiple requests and manual data processing. They are commonly used in database systems and data analytics platforms to efficiently access and manipulate interconnected data.

7 Simple REST Client Examples for Retrieving API Data

REST Clients, or Representational State Transfer Clients, are essential tools in the world of web development and API integration. These clients facilitate seamless communication between applications and web services using the principles of REST architecture. A REST client is a software tool, library, or framework that enables developers to interact with RESTful web services by making HTTP requests and processing responses.

Creating Collaborative Applications with Ably Spaces

Learn more about Ably's newest Product, Spaces. Spaces makes it easier to build collaboration features such as Avatar Stacks, Shared Cursors, Component Locking, and more. This video is the first in a series of exploring getting started with each of the Spaces features, subscribe to see when the next videos are released.