Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2023

Getting started with the SwaggerHub Portal API

The #SwaggerHub Portal is an API developer portal designed to provide a seamless and comprehensive experience for teams and companies to showcase their #APIs. This guide will help you get started and understand the value of the SwaggerHub Portal API which enables you to automate the setup and management of your developer portal! 🚀 Useful links.

100 Test Cases For Ecommerce Website (With Template + Detailed Guide)

E-commerce websites are growing faster than ever, and they are also the most challenging when it comes to testing. With thousands, sometimes millions of pages with complex features, complex search functionality, and security requirements, E-commerce websites require testers to have in-depth knowledge of the field. In this article, we will list out the most common and essential test cases for E-commerce websites and categorize them in groups.

Balancing Speed and Quality: Transforming Quality Engineering with BlueSwan

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where digital transformation is no longer an option but a necessity, organizations often grapple with the complexities of digital delivery and quality engineering. In our recent webinar, we explored the challenges organizations face on their journey to successful digital delivery and quality engineering.

Gamify Your Daily SEO Activities with Morningscore

Morningscore is a gamified SEO tool that improves your search engine optimization strategies. This tool improves website’s exposure, ranks, and general performance in search engine results by offering a wide range of tools and functions. Morningscore’s main objective is to give you in-depth information about the performance of your websites and assist you in identifying potential areas for development with fun.

How to Increase Data Processing: Combining SFTP and Heroku

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), at its core, is a protocol designed to provide secure file transfer capabilities. With an extensive application in web development and IT infrastructures, its primary use case revolves around the encrypted transfer of files between remote servers and local machines.

Use GitOps as an efficient CI/CD pipeline for Data Streaming | Data Streaming Systems

Early automation saves time and money. GitOps improves CI/CD pipeline, enhancing operations & traceability. Learn to use GitOps for data streaming platforms & streaming applications with Apache Kafka and Confluent Cloud.

The API Gateway and the Future of Cloud Native Applications

The rapid growth of cloud native applications that are smaller, more distributed, and designed for highly dynamic environments has turned API gateways into indispensable intermediaries for driving digital initiatives. At the same time, the emergence of the Kubernetes Gateway API, with support from the Envoy Gateway project, is driving a shift towards standardization and interoperability.