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Large Scale Industrialization Key to Open Source Innovation

We are now well into 2022 and the megatrends that drove the last decade in data—The Apache Software Foundation as a primary innovation vehicle for big data, the arrival of cloud computing, and the debut of cheap distributed storage—have now converged and offer clear patterns for competitive advantage for vendors and value for customers.

Why low-code and API development are the perfect match

There is an understated art to building good APIs – ones that are easy to integrate with, have high operational availability, offer readily attainable performance insights, and are easy to maintain. But if you have ever had to build an API from scratch, there is no denying that it is hard – and it gets much more complicated when you aim to deliver a quality API.

JIT Compilers for Ruby and Rails: An Overview

A program is compiled at runtime using a different method from pre-execution compilation. This process is known as just-in-time compilation or dynamic translation. In this post, we'll look at why JIT compilation can be a good choice for your Ruby on Rails app, before looking at some of the options available (YJIT, MJIT, and TenderJIT) and how to install them. But first: how does JIT compilation work?

ModelOps, ML Validation & ML Assurance: The Next Frontiers of AI-led Digital Assurance

Like humans, Machine Learning (ML) models can recognize intricate patterns and anticipate the outcome of new data. On some natural language problems, ML models have even surpassed human performance. But much like people, ML models are susceptible to error. For every ML application in the real world, estimating how frequently a model will be inaccurate is essential. Intuitively presenting information and emphasizing the best ways to enhance a model are equally important.

6 Essential SaaS Tools for Growing Your Business

SaaS (Software as a Service) has gained massive popularity within the last decade. Consumer software, like Google, is the most well-known today, but it accounts for only a fraction of the SaaS industry. Today’s modern enterprise SaaS platforms address specific business needs — such as Salesforce resolving customer data management and Zoho addressing help desk issues. So how can you get a leg up on the competition? Simple: use the right tool or platform(s).

A Guide to APIs and Data Warehouses

Enterprise data is a valuable asset in today’s digital economy. As a result, companies are always looking to utilize data services to get more out of their valuable data. Two ways that companies can achieve this is through using APIs and data warehouses. Did you know that the global data warehousing market size is projected to reach over $51 billion by 2028 or that the worldwide API management market size is expected to reach over $13 billion by 2027?

Optimize Driver Behavior to Reduce Fuel Consumption |

While advancing technology is beginning to bring us electric vehicles, most vehicles on the road still operate on fossil fuels. This includes the commercial vehicles used in major fleet operations. Traditionally, gathering metrics regarding a driver's driving style, vehicle speed, cruise control usage, diagnostics, drive cycle, a vehicle's engine, and other factors has been quite difficult.