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7 Most Common Dashboard Design Mistakes to Avoid

Dashboards are an important data analytics tool for understanding business metrics and managing your business performance. However, if your dashboard is not designed well, it can be difficult to use for analysis, and ineffective for decision-making. Dashboard design should be simple and accessible, and reflect your company's branding and identity. Ensuring your analytical dashboard is readable, usable and accurate is heavily reliant on following best practice dashboard design.

How to build a serverless WebSockets platform

When building modern web applications, it is increasingly important to be able to handle realtime data with an event-driven architecture to propagate messages to all connected clients instantly. Several protocols are available, but WebSocket is arguably the most widely used as it is optimized for minimum overhead and low latency. The WebSocket protocol supports bidirectional, full-duplex communication between client and server over a persistent, single-socket connection.

What is an iFrame? How does it work and what is it used for

If you have been scolded for using iFrames to embed website elements by seniors, you aren’t alone! The HTML tag has been infamous in the industry for quite some time due to possible security breaches. It facilitates when the element goes unmonitored. However, its proper use and strategic implementation can quickly help web developers speed up the frontend creation process.

typeof in JavaScript: An introduction

Checking data types for variables is vital in any programming language to ensure a smooth and error-free development process. However, this becomes even more essential for accuracy when it comes to dynamically typed languages such as Javascript. In Javascript, one variable can hold multiple value types within the same file as shown below: To achieve this, one of the most commonly used operators is typeof.

5 Best CSS Frameworks for Front-end Developers

In the best CSS framework, you can think of it as a design or cover that is supported by HTML, the default structure of your website. CSS has the advantage of being quick and simple to use, which is one of the reasons most web designers and developers use it. The foundation of your website is HTML, but CSS adds elegance, design, and functionality to its front end. There is probably not a single website in the world that does not use some kind of framework.

Benchmark Your Elixir App's Performance with Benchee

At some point, every software engineer will find themselves in a situation where they need to benchmark system performance and test the limits of what a given system can handle. This is a common problem in software engineering, and even more so in the applications that are well suited for Elixir. Finding bottlenecks early on in an application can save a lot of time, money, and effort in the long run, and give developers confidence in the upper limit of a system.

Modern Data Architecture for Telecommunications

In the wake of the disruption caused by the world’s turbulence over the past few years, the telecommunications industry has come out reasonably unscathed. There remain challenges in workforce management, particularly in call centers, and order backlogs for fiber broadband and other physical infrastructure are being worked through. But digital transformation programs are accelerating, services innovation around 5G is continuing apace, and results to the stock market have been robust.

How To Avoid SSR Load Issues in Node.js

In my experience consulting the past few years, one thing has become clear: everyone struggles with scaling their SSR apps, no matter the chosen framework. SSR is expensive — running a lot of code intended for the browser, on the server, to pre-generate markup. Lately, web frameworks have been making strides in improving things, Solid.js being a great example of fast, performant SSR.