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Managing Data as an Asset

Modern technology has enabled businesses to collect all manner of data. Managing data as an asset includes website interactions to drilled-down explanations of what makes a company’s strategy successful, this information informs initiatives, aids decision-making, improves business processes, and provides a way to measure success toward specific objectives. However, having enterprise data is not a strategy or a competitive advantage in and of itself.

What Is CI/CD?

The pace of the industry today is pressuring software developers to build, test, and release software more frequently than ever. To achieve this pace, teams have built two core processes into their workflow: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is a subset of the DevOps workflow that automates application code management and its safe, predictable shipping. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into CI/CD.

Distributed Tracing Support in N|Solid [10/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer.

Complex modern systems are the new reality for infrastructure teams, and this is due to the evolution of Cloud Computing and working with Distributed systems, containerization, and microservices by default. The teams now have different infrastructures and virtual services with which they must take care of scalable, reliable, and performative applications.

10 Critical Kubernetes Tools and How to Debug Them

Kubernetes is both revolutionary and “diffusionary.” It is a complete restructuring demanding a whole new slew of companion and support tools to cover and prop up the entire ecosystem. There are literally hundreds of tools – both open-source and proprietary – designed specifically with k8s in mind.

A Deep Dive into Memory Leaks in Ruby

In the first part of this two-part series on memory leaks, we looked at how Ruby manages memory and how Garbage Collection (GC) works. You might be able to afford powerful machines with more memory, and your app might restart often enough that your users don't notice, but memory usage matters. Allocation and Garbage Collection aren't free. If you have a leak, you spend more and more time on Garbage Collection instead of doing what you built your app to do.

Building a Pricing Strategy for Your APIs

An API is a unique product. There is no presentable UI or outcome a developer can show and market similar to a regular product in the marketplace. The only way to perceive its usefulness is to spend time testing and understanding the value it brings. Given these unique conditions, monetizing an exposed API requires a different approach compared to monetizing other products. This post discusses how to build a pricing strategy for your APIs and which aspects you should consider.

Modernizing MLOps: Why I Chose Continual

It says something about a company and its people when they drop the process of formulaic job interviews and just let you pitch ideas for the job you want. That’s what happened when I applied to Continual as a Technical Marketing Manager. Five weeks in, I’m pleased to say I’m working on those same ideas, which I’ll detail in a couple minutes.

Getting Started with Cloudera Stream Processing Community Edition

Cloudera has a strong track record of providing a comprehensive solution for stream processing. Cloudera Stream Processing (CSP), powered by Apache Flink and Apache Kafka, provides a complete stream management and stateful processing solution. In CSP, Kafka serves as the storage streaming substrate, and Flink as the core in-stream processing engine that supports SQL and REST interfaces.