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Fraud Detection in Insurance Claim Process by Using Artificial Intelligence

One of the biggest preventable losses that hurts insurers worldwide is fraudulent insurance claims. The P&C segment accounts for the most fraudulent insurance claims, with auto insurance and workers’ compensation making up the biggest percentage of fraudulent claims that have an annual impact on the insurance business.

Software Quality Management Best Practices | 5 Do's & Don'ts

Achieving optimal software reliability and quality management processes sit at the core of a memorable digital experience. Quality management in software can be summarized in two points: Stakeholders and management always want their digital products to successfully launch. Software testing is normally seen as rejecting builds and stretching out the delivery date. Why is that?

How to Do Data Labeling, Versioning, and Management for ML

It has been months ago when Toloka and ClearML met together to create this joint project. Our goal was to showcase to other ML practitioners how to first gather data and then version and manage data before it is fed to an ML model. We believe that following those best practices will help others build better and more robust AI solutions. If you are curious, have a look at the project we have created together.

How to Distribute Machine Learning Workloads with Dask

Tell us if this sounds familiar. You’ve found an awesome data set that you think will allow you to train a machine learning (ML) model that will accomplish the project goals; the only problem is the data is too big to fit in the compute environment that you’re using. In the day and age of “big data,” most might think this issue is trivial, but like anything in the world of data science things are hardly ever as straightforward as they seem.

Keboola + ThoughtSpot = Automated insights in minutes

Keboola and ThoughtSpot partnered up to offer click-and-launch insights machines. With the original integration, you can already cut the time-to-insight. Keboola helps you get clean data and ThoughtSpot helps you turn it into insights. What’s new? The new solution builds out-of-the-box and ready-to-use data pipelines (Keboola Templates) and live self-serve analytic dashboards (ThoughtSpot SpotApps) from the ground up. You just need to click-and-launch your analytic use case.

Using Moesif's Live Event Log to Filter and Inspect API Calls and Events

As you may know, event logs are a common feature in operating systems and other software that keep track of system and application errors. When you have API traffic to follow or front-end actions you want to watch, using Moesif’s Live Event Log is a simple way to filter and find the data you need.

Power Your Lead Scoring with ML for Near Real-Time Predictions

Every organization wants to identify the right sales leads at the right time to optimize conversions. Lead scoring is a popular method for ranking prospects through an assessment of perceived value and sales-readiness. Scores are used to determine the order in which high-value leads are contacted, thus ensuring the best use of a salesperson’s time. Of course, lead scoring is only as good as the information supplied.