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Why Your Organization Should Move from Business Intelligence to Decision Intelligence

There has been a lot of buzz around decision intelligence (DI) recently. By 2030, 70% of firms, according to McKinsey, would employ decision intelligence in one way or another. Organizations are more likely to be data-driven as the popularity of big data and cloud computing continues to soar. Organizations who earlier desired to be data-first entities are now searching for more beyond merely being data-driven due to new difficulties and keeping competitive at the forefront.

Improve Your Website Performance by Removing Unused CSS

Hiring website developers has become quite expensive nowadays. This is why many people opt to build their websites themselves, even if they aren’t experts at it. There are multiple resources available online that can help users with CSS themes and HTML pages. But the problem is that they often end up customizing downloaded websites without any idea about how to get rid of unused CSS files.

Fused testing pushes teams closer to continuous integration

You’ve heard from us about fused testing before, and get ready to hear more. Fused testing is a methodology that goes beyond just executing manual and automated testing frameworks. (Though it does do that exceptionally well.) Fused testing is also a big push toward continuous integration (CI). Yes, that CI/CD pipeline.

Cost of Data Warehousing: Conventional Wisdom Versus Reality

This is a guest post with exclusive content by Bill Inmon. Bill Inmon is a prominent American computer scientist and prolific author, recognized by many as the father of data warehousing. Inmon has written over 60 books, including the first book exploring the core concepts of data warehouses. Inmon also held the first data warehousing conference and has written for many respected data management publications, as well as offering classes in data warehousing.

Selenium Standalone Server vs. Selenium Server [2022 Updated]

To understand the difference between the Selenium Standalone server and the Selenium server, we need to go back to the Selenium history. Released in 2002, Selenium is an open-source tool, shipped with Apache Open Source License 2.0. Since web technologies have undergone many changes, automation frameworks like Selenium also had to go through changes. Interestingly Selenium is the most popular automation framework today as well.