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Desktop Application Testing: Fix Coverage Gaps with Automation

If you use a framework like Electron to develop a desktop version of your web application, you may have run into a common problem when testing your application: So while you can test most of the critical functions of your app in the web version, there are some critical test cases for the desktop version that you simply can’t automate (such as setting up desktop notifications or verifying the app can be downloaded and installed).

6 JIRA Integrations for Software Testing

Project managers are required to manage people, teams, and tools. They accept accountability for the broader picture. Jira is a prominent project management program that is owned by Atlassian. Jira is a fantastic tool for both developers and testers. Many integrations enhance Jira's use for development teams. This post discusses some of the best Jira integrations for quality assurance, software testing, and test management that allow developers and testers to collaborate effortlessly.

A Guide to Phoenix LiveView Assigns

Phoenix LiveView lets you develop full-stack apps with client-side interactions while mostly avoiding cross-stack hassle. Assigns, managed by the LiveView socket, are a core tool for making that happen — allowing you to store, present, and update data effortlessly and efficiently. But as they do so much, assigns come with their own complexities and may backfire if misused.

We Tried 5 Best Puppeteer Alternatives [in-Depth Comparison]

You’ve hit a dead-end using Puppeteer as your web-automation module. Well, you’ll be glad to know that many people like you are looking for better alternatives. Puppeteer has been famous ever since Google introduced it. Since the Chrome DevTools team is responsible for developing this module, it works seamlessly with a headless Chrome browser without any issues.

We Tried 6 Best LambdaTest Alternatives for Test Automation | Here're the Winners

LambdaTest is an excellent software testing platform, but it might not be for everyone. If you’re wondering if it’s for you, worry not – you’re not alone. If you’re considering automation testing tools other than LambdaTest, you’re in the right place. We researched many potential alternatives to LambdaTest, and it’s safe to say that there are some really good options.

CircleCI vs Jenkins: What's the Difference?

Jenkins can support multiple jobs by multi-threading, whereas CircleCI has built support for parallelism, which project settings can achieve. Your deployment pipeline is the most crucial part of your software delivery lifecycle. As you keep launching new software products and updates, the last thing you would want is to manually intervene in an otherwise automated SDLC. Automation of build and release code– continuous integration and delivery have become mainstream for enterprise solutions.

Evolving Software Testing Best Practices at #EuroSTAR 2022

Last week members of our service, network and sales teams gathered in Copenhagen to take in software testing best practices at the 2022 EuroSTAR software testing conference. On the ground, in our discussions, and during sessions we picked up on three key themes important to the future of our industry —

Magic link authentication using Asgardeo

Passwords are becoming obsolete, and the tech world is exploring various different technologies to allow users to log in without passwords. In a previous article, we discussed the perils of passwords and how FIDO2 can help us go passwordless. However, FIDO2 is no silver bullet as it comes with its fair share of caveats. Magic link is a viable alternative for all those who do not want to use FIDO2. This article discusses magic link in detail and demonstrates how we can use it with Asgardeo.